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A point... Phelix Send a noteboard - 01/08/2010 12:43:04 PM
I think that souls and constructs are such an important part of his series, that I doubt that RJ didn't exactly know how it worked.

I also don't see a inconsistency between saying that a soul can be permanently corrupted and that souls are immortal. Perhaps the souls of channelers or other special souls have an inherent protection against too much corruption, so that e.g. Rand's or Birgitte's soul couldn't be used to create Trollocs.

I would argue, and I think I did back on Wotmania, that Fades are channelers that could have been. Whenever the genetics line up properly for a trolloc pairing to produce a channeler, it comes out a Myrrdaal. We know that trollocs run a continuum of almost human to mostly beast based on the descriptions RJ/BS gave us... some where just large men with hairy arms and a boar's snout, while others have eagle heads, goat hooves, and claws. IIRC, the Guide tells us that trollocs do also produce throwbacks to their animal heritage, but those creatures rarely survive for long.

So, taking the fact that trolloc breeding does produce creatures that are mostly human and other creatures that are mostly animal and the fact that a small percentage of all humans in this world are able to channel partially due to their genetics, we must assume then that some percentage of trolloc offspring would be able to channel if it weren't for the True Power involved in their existence.

Knowing that the OP and the TP actively fight each other, and that the TP has eternal effects on the souls it corrupts, it makes sense to me that a trolloc embryo with the genes to channel (either as a learner or a sparker) would have that bridge to the OP burned out of them by their connection to the TP. The ones that survive are born as Fades, and those that do not are stillborn.

Just my thoughts on channeling souls and trollocs.
I was Phelix on wotmania, I will always be Phelix in the "real" world, and now I am Phelix on RAFO.

You will make all kinds of mistakes; but as long as you are generous and true and also fierce you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her.- Churchill

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Some musings on constructs and souls - 28/07/2010 12:07:06 PM 573 Views
I think RJ is inconsistent on the nature of souls and constructs - 28/07/2010 03:00:19 PM 371 Views
Hmm... - 29/07/2010 12:58:57 PM 308 Views
A point... - 01/08/2010 12:43:04 PM 323 Views

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