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I think you ovestimate the current state of affairs. The Angry Druid Send a noteboard - 22/07/2010 03:22:27 AM
First off, I don't think Star Wars is the correct comparison. I think the Light will continue to make some gains (and have some losses) on the ground, but the real battle is something else, like Verin says. The DO's touch will continue to grow, reality is unwinding.

The challenge isn't to win a battle or defeat a horde of Trollocs, but to figure out how to seal the Bore again. Until Rand or Min or someone figures it out, the Light is losing.

Having said that, I still think you overestimate the Light's position.

1) The WT. Yes, better with the Blacks gone and the Ajah's on the mend. No doubt about it. But still a Forsaken loose, and Seanchan assassins on the loose.

2) Rand and Vein's of Gold is the second real bit of good news for the Light. But he still has fences to mend (Tam, Dobraine, Aiel) and has to collect Mat & Perrin.

Now, for the Shadown:

1) They almost won w/out striking a blow when Rand almost destroyed the whole thing. The Moridin link is still there, and he's partially insane. Maybe he's OK, and maybe he isn't. We'll see.

2) The BT. Lots of Darkfriend Asha'man running loose here. They could have bonded AS to DF AM (though not that many, yet, no more than 20 in the embassy's to the BT from the Rebels and WT), and could be using circles of 13/13 when the BA sisters arrive.

3) The Seanchan. Tuon is still hell bent on making offensive moves against Lightfriends, and they are barely conscious of Trollocs at all. And now they have Travelling, or soon will. On the chance she comes to her senses, no more help from the Homeland will be forthcoming.

4) Demandred. An army to command. I don't think Murandy is quite enough to threaten anyone, or make much of a difference. RJ says he's not Taim. So I'd think the Ayyad & a mass of channelers from Shara might be more likely.

5. Black Sisters.

Plus, the vast majority of sisters aren't even IN the Tower. Plus, you still have 80 or so BA who escaped the Tower or the Rebel camp (as opposed to around 80-90 who didn't), plus around 30-40 running lose elsewhere. Still can do a lot of mischief.

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Let's speculate: what has to happen in Towers of Midnight - 22/07/2010 12:48:37 AM 924 Views
I think you ovestimate the current state of affairs. - 22/07/2010 03:22:27 AM 581 Views
Most of the book... - 22/07/2010 04:22:30 AM 547 Views

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