I purchased TFoH on audiobook recently to see how it was. I hated it.
While the reader does have a crisp and clear voice, I found the scenes amusing enough to almost lose concentration while I was driving. When a woman speaks he makes his voice high but harsh, and you end up getting a voice much akin to a witch who hisses all her words. When a man speaks his voice becomes ultra-deep and Rand sounds like one of the Olympians speaking through a cloud.
The scenes are also extremely slow, and there is ZERO emotion in the scene. Some of the best scenes in the book felt like cold ice to me.
Does anyone else have an audiobook? I kind of enjoyed the recent chapter we received in audio format, but this was really depressing to hear.
The narrators of the WOT series are great and I have enjoyed all of the books. They are much better than many other audiobooks I have listened to... For truly horrendous try listening to the Sword of Truth series... I couldnt get past book 2, they have different narrators in each one so it makes it all the worse...
The audiobooks are atrocious
22/06/2010 02:37:20 PM
Re: The audiobooks are atrocious
22/06/2010 03:40:32 PM
I like them for when I want to read but can't physically read
22/06/2010 03:49:58 PM
Re: I like them for when I want to read but can't physically read
22/06/2010 05:45:21 PM
Is that the same reader
23/06/2010 12:33:10 AM
The WOT audiobooks are great...
23/06/2010 06:48:09 PM
I've only heard the first few that had a man and a woman switching chapters.
24/06/2010 02:58:03 AM