Re: I like them for when I want to read but can't physically read
DomA Send a noteboard - 22/06/2010 05:45:21 PM
Like on long drives or doing housework or when I'm on the treadmill.
That's the same reasons I've tried audiobooks, but all those I've tried so far made me wish to throw the ipod away (or bash the stereo) after 10 min of listening.
I like to listen to plays, and talk radio, but books I've tried a few times and I just can't stand it.
I can bear with the French ones a bit better (only just) because they usually hire known actors for those and they read really well (French is also a more agreable language to listen to over long period of time. You might even say its at his best read aloud, in a way), but so far I haven't found any American "professional reader" I can stand. They're terribly boring.
The format not just for me, I'm afraid.
This message last edited by DomA on 22/06/2010 at 05:48:19 PM
The audiobooks are atrocious
22/06/2010 02:37:20 PM
Re: The audiobooks are atrocious
22/06/2010 03:40:32 PM
I like them for when I want to read but can't physically read
22/06/2010 03:49:58 PM
Re: I like them for when I want to read but can't physically read
22/06/2010 05:45:21 PM
Is that the same reader
23/06/2010 12:33:10 AM
I've only heard the first few that had a man and a woman switching chapters.
24/06/2010 02:58:03 AM