Still pretty b(l)a(n)d. I guess Noal Charin is on the right, standing at the door.
RugbyPlayingAshaman Send a noteboard - 27/04/2010 09:35:15 PM
I agree that Thom seems to be the man on the left, with Mat most likely the man in the middle.
Noal Charin had asked if he could go to the Tower with them, so I guess he's on the far right.
Noal Charin had asked if he could go to the Tower with them, so I guess he's on the far right.
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
This message last edited by RugbyPlayingAshaman on 27/04/2010 at 09:56:28 PM
Thoughts on a better scan of the ToM cover
27/04/2010 09:26:41 PM
Still pretty b(l)a(n)d. I guess Noal Charin is on the right, standing at the door.
27/04/2010 09:35:15 PM
It looks like Donatello and Raphael are watching some dude draw in the forest.
27/04/2010 09:37:12 PM
Re: Thoughts on a better scan of the ToM cover
28/04/2010 01:11:04 PM
Why does Matt look like a fatheaded oaf with a headband? And apparently Naol uses Just For Men *NM*
28/04/2010 10:07:49 PM