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I saw the first two episodes Mat Girl Send a noteboard - 03/09/2009 05:20:40 AM
I liked it...not my favorite, but definitely interesting. The whole thing with the unknown thing that is in that one room kinda reminds me of the whole "the artifact" thing from Eureka
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Anyone watching Defynig Gravity? - 03/09/2009 05:11:54 AM 494 Views
I saw the first two episodes - 03/09/2009 05:20:40 AM 410 Views
I fear I haven't. - 03/09/2009 05:23:06 AM 419 Views
I started... - 03/09/2009 11:06:30 AM 403 Views
I am, and I am enjoying it. - 03/09/2009 02:53:44 PM 409 Views
Me too! (Obviously!) - 03/09/2009 05:55:43 PM 388 Views
I've seen all the espisodes. - 03/09/2009 04:36:08 PM 356 Views
I have been. - 04/09/2009 12:17:32 AM 413 Views
No. I think of the song every time I see the name *NM* - 04/09/2009 03:14:10 PM 156 Views

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