You've drawn an interesting conclusion (spoil-ish)
scalius Send a noteboard - 02/09/2009 08:30:45 PM
A thoughtful and powerful treatise on the nature of apartheid and of human intolerance. Using an encounter with aliens, the director powerfully indicts several recent governments - notably the American detention camps in Guantanamo Bay and the CIA prisons as well as the Australian detention camps - especially Woomera, and the list could probably continue.
I can't help but be curious. You say "the director powerfully indicts". Watching interviews with the director, he denies any such thing (whether he thinks it or not personally and witholds that view I don't know). Maybe you have special insight into his motives?
Not once did I think of Guantanamo Bay while watching this movie. I thought of the two obvious....apartheid and holocaust....given that it takes place in South Africa, and given the "one alien, one bullet" correlation.
Why Guantanamo? District-9 was not a military prison, it did not hold prisoners of war nor "terrorists", it did not have governmental oversight (as it was run by a private company), it did not have Red-Cross or other international-type organizations visiting. The aliens were not controlled in their daily activities, they were not being held for future trial.
I can't think of anything that District-9 had to do with Guantanomo, other than taking a very generic look at "holding someone within a confined space" and saying that both do that.
I could see the parrallel between the company running District-9 (can't think of their name right now....MNU?) and the likes of Blackwater....that would be valid on a number of levels.
But to your comment, I would think, if anything, the best correlation to American history would have been the Indian fact, I think that has to be one of the better comparisons in relation to US history.
I would slave, to pave the way, to sink your ship of fools.
District 9 (No spoilers)
01/09/2009 03:16:37 AM
I enjoyed it. More smart than deep, but fully worth watching for sci-fi fans. *NM*
01/09/2009 05:23:09 PM
I don't like your new name. I need to stop letting my eye skip over it.
02/09/2009 03:23:47 AM
You've drawn an interesting conclusion (spoil-ish)
02/09/2009 08:30:45 PM