Both are the same names.
Ah. Never seen or heard them used interchangeably before.
A mile? Make it a continent! or 2.
And a mountainous one too.
Hell yeah! This episode touched a nerve in me. I like it. xD
Me too. Didn't like the character of Jeremy too much, but he deserved better than being drug through the streets behind a truck for defending himself. If he had healed the guy would the deputies really have left him alone? I doubt it personally.
Honestly, when I read the episode synopsis and Matt's "solution" to his problem, I thought he would go find a disabled flat-scan (nonmutant) and implant Sylar into him or her, thereby neutering Sylar forever! That's what I would do. sheesh
Yep. And if he were REALLY dedicated to getting rid of him then he could just kill the flatliner too. He might be deemed a murderer, but he could rest easy at night knowing that a real murderer is off the streets permanently.
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
Heroes S4E06: Strange Attractors ............... [Warning: Contains Spoilers]
27/10/2009 01:01:41 AM
Re: Heroes S4E06: Strange Attractors ............... [Warning: Contains Spoilers]
27/10/2009 01:12:11 AM
additional thoughts
27/10/2009 01:26:33 AM
Re: additional thoughts
27/10/2009 01:35:13 AM