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Re: It most certainly gets better. Jessie Send a noteboard - 05/10/2009 05:52:52 PM

Finally. Don't judge. And I am, cautiously starting to fall in love with it.

I didn't expect the humor or the camp or the sarcasm.. but really... it's quite good isn't it?

Does it stay this way past the first two discs of the first season? (Aiiiiiieeee, what a neophyte!)

I know Monkey is an avid fan of the Buffster, but who else is?

I am also amused that now this and Supernatural consume my life.

As MCB says, the first season is the weakest by far because most episodes just deal with the monster of the week and don't contribute much to the overarching storyline, with a few exceptions (and Nightmares is awesome enough that it's forgiven for that). Second season is perhaps the best of the series, but imho it remains excellent until the very end, although there were a few things about season seven that bugged me. Some people don't like the last few seasons, though - it gets darker and with more drama between the characters, especially season six.

So, er, yeah, avid fan here too. ;) Even if I still haven't seen any Angel (yes, when you started watching Buffy, you signed up not for one series but for two, with twelve seasons between them...).

Ha, that's ok. I have watched 11 seasons of M*A*S*H. I can handle the Buffster.

when you see only the darkness, know the light will soon return
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I started watching Buffy. - 05/10/2009 07:12:12 AM 990 Views
Aw, it's cute that you're learning - 05/10/2009 09:03:00 AM 524 Views
Wench! - 05/10/2009 05:51:19 PM 545 Views
What do you want him for? *NM* - 05/10/2009 06:04:39 PM 342 Views
He is ridiculously goodlooking? *NM* - 06/10/2009 06:39:39 AM 325 Views
He's not! - 06/10/2009 06:44:03 AM 482 Views
Oh I think so. - 07/10/2009 07:43:25 AM 484 Views
Course you can - 05/10/2009 08:45:52 PM 571 Views
Re: Course you can - 06/10/2009 06:39:14 AM 521 Views
Hey! - 06/10/2009 06:46:15 AM 492 Views
You're in luck. - 05/10/2009 09:07:51 AM 565 Views
Spike ROCKSSS!!! I'd go gay for that character LOL - 05/10/2009 06:38:12 PM 534 Views
Re: You're in luck. - 08/10/2009 05:06:13 AM 480 Views
It most certainly gets better. - 05/10/2009 11:11:29 AM 615 Views
Re: It most certainly gets better. - 05/10/2009 05:52:52 PM 620 Views
It peaks with Season 3 - 05/10/2009 12:16:29 PM 525 Views
Re: It peaks with Season 3 - 05/10/2009 05:15:41 PM 538 Views
thats one of the greatest episodes of ANY show of all time IMO - 05/10/2009 06:40:14 PM 537 Views
That's the one. - 05/10/2009 07:38:21 PM 494 Views
No! - 05/10/2009 05:59:44 PM 510 Views
Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks that. - 05/10/2009 06:02:07 PM 524 Views
Exactly! - 05/10/2009 06:09:51 PM 534 Views
Re: No! - 05/10/2009 06:16:06 PM 466 Views
I didnt like S7. - 05/10/2009 06:56:15 PM 481 Views
Seconded on Conversations. - 05/10/2009 09:35:21 PM 465 Views
Wow, a rare chance to correct your writing - 16/10/2009 05:26:25 PM 605 Views
You're right. *NM* - 16/10/2009 05:33:44 PM 296 Views
Some people didn't care for Six's Big Bad, but I thought it was one of the better seasons. - 05/10/2009 06:29:40 PM 505 Views
I loved the trio! *spoilers* - 05/10/2009 06:51:09 PM 504 Views
Yes, the archnemeseses.... LOL *NM* - 05/10/2009 07:52:45 PM 356 Views
God no *SPOILERS* - 05/10/2009 07:51:53 PM 624 Views
Surely that alone doesn't ruin two entire seasons. (major spoilers of course) - 05/10/2009 09:51:12 PM 665 Views
I agree. - 06/10/2009 06:53:37 AM 526 Views
Good for you! - 05/10/2009 06:02:53 PM 519 Views
Welcome to the Hellmouth, Jessie! - 05/10/2009 07:51:45 PM 534 Views
It's awesome all the way through - 05/10/2009 09:06:37 PM 533 Views
Heh., I watched the first two episodes tonight. - 05/10/2009 09:21:54 PM 476 Views
I will judge you - 05/10/2009 10:28:10 PM 514 Views
Well. Your judgment hardly counts. - 05/10/2009 10:59:51 PM 446 Views
Re: Heh., I watched the first two episodes tonight. - 06/10/2009 06:40:18 AM 465 Views
Oh... - 06/10/2009 08:58:43 AM 548 Views
*points and laughs* - 06/10/2009 09:01:10 AM 495 Views
No. You have not earned the right to criticize my taste. - 07/10/2009 11:59:22 AM 474 Views
Who else matters? - 07/10/2009 07:45:44 AM 442 Views
Well... - 07/10/2009 11:58:16 AM 458 Views
That's weak. - 08/10/2009 12:24:33 AM 467 Views
I loved them back in the day - 08/10/2009 08:38:05 PM 509 Views
I have rewatched the entirety of Buffy and Angel at least 7 times each. - 09/10/2009 01:01:57 AM 482 Views
Buffy is GREAT and has a wide range. It's not exactly necessary to watch Angel, though... *NM* - 09/10/2009 11:38:13 AM 373 Views
Oh, it is! - 15/10/2009 08:08:04 AM 474 Views
Yay Buffy - 09/10/2009 02:15:23 PM 465 Views
I must say I liked the mayor. That kind of insanity makes shows like this fun. *NM* - 16/10/2009 09:54:49 PM 253 Views
Three seasons in eleven days? Impressive. - 16/10/2009 10:35:53 PM 483 Views
well, nothing on tv... - 16/10/2009 10:56:29 PM 454 Views
You fast forward? - 17/10/2009 01:56:55 PM 436 Views
Yep, occasionally. - 17/10/2009 07:56:21 PM 509 Views
Yes! He's one of my favourites. - 17/10/2009 12:38:42 PM 471 Views
Snyder would need more screentime, really. - 17/10/2009 07:59:03 PM 468 Views
Re: Buffy is thematically inconsistent. But the 1st three seasons are great, and so is season five. - 28/10/2009 06:54:23 PM 491 Views
darn, too late. - 28/10/2009 07:35:29 PM 446 Views
Season six is awesome, just, you know, pure angst. *NM* - 30/10/2009 10:28:31 PM 228 Views

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