And it isn't just the movie but a theme in Hollywood. It is the arrogance of fools in Hollywood thinking that the fact that they got rich playing asked believe some how qualifies them to preach to rest of every time we want to watch a movie.
It isn't the inclusion of more groups but the exclusion that I was commenting on and the way it affected the script. It doesn't bother that the legacy character of Solo was the only positive white character it bothers me that Hollywood believes that they can achieve by done such stupid things. If they had cast it those were the best actors then more power to you but we all know that isn't what happened.
It doesn't bother me that the lead is female but it does bother me that they over compensated by making the males around her weaker. My issue with Finn has nothing to with skin color and I like the actor who played him. I think the people getting upset over black storm trooper are stupid and I hope the develop him into stronger character in the future.