But why are you ignoring the fact that Rey seems to be incredibly powerful with the Force? It's one of the central themes of the series... If someone has the Force as an ally then you are screwed. How strong do you think Yoda's race is? I put it to you that they are weaker than children, but when fighting Sidious he can match him in physical strength and then some. Ren is grimacing with effort yet he cannot overwhelm Rey when they are grappling. Isn't it clear that she is strong in the a Force and that both of them are probably physically as strong as ten men and evenly matched?
If you look at another example of a female protagonist, Tris from Divergent. She gets beaten up severely when she fights males in Dauntless duels. There are also movies where women are made to look as powerful as men, and it's horrible to watch. Off my head I can think of Charlize Theron punching Edward Norton sending him flying in the Italian Job.
But Rey shouldn't even be seen as a woman or even a human being, but a Force adept, and when two meet nothing else matters except that. Finn is insignificant next to those two.
Fan of Lanfear