It seems like the realities of the TV time to tell the entire book series (funny, but you would think that 70 hours of time would allow for close to everything, but it doesn't turn out that way).
I assume a lot of these eliminations (smaller characters/storylines) have to go. But interesting that it seems like the Mountain is returning.
What to make of this?
I read somewhere a long time ago that 1 page equals about 1 minute when writing a script. This may not be entirely accurate as I don't know anybody who actually writes scripts, but I remember reading in the context of an article about how to write a movie script.
That said, it kind of makes sense as to why they have to gloss over some things and concentrate on others. I am figuring she doesn't really play THAT significant a role in the books if they are willing to just clean cut her character. Although, I did find Dom's suggestion that she is a kind of wight for the Red God interesting, it is something I hadn't heard before. Still, doesn't appear it will be too important that it couldn't be cut.
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings