Active Users:399 Time:05/01/2025 05:01:50 PM
I must admit I had to look up what the episode was about... Artsapat Send a noteboard - 16/04/2013 02:01:18 PM

It's been years since I watched FS, and personally I loved most parts of it. Some were horrible, but it always had a redeeming part, which made it "different" and worth watching. For example, I simply hated "Taking the Stone" (2x03), but if it was anything, at the very least it was "different".

Anyway, this episode: wasn't the whole point of the episode that Aeryn is having heat dilirium? And thus is bound to behave out of character? Add to this that she's experienced several major traumas in a row: losing Crichton, being reunited with another John, being split again at the moment she finds out she's pregnant (end of season 3) and having had to share Moya with her enemy. I'm not surprised if she acts weird.

Granted, John going to Scorpius to get Harvey removed is a strange choice, but I don't think others are able to do it. He tried to go to the Diagnosian to have it fixed (who was the only one they could think of to help him) and we have seen what happened there.

Why remove him? Don't look at this from the writers' POV, but from John's. He would jump at the first possibility to get rid of Harvey. For the writer's there's enough to go on with , with or without Harvey.

I think I really liked that episode, but I'll have to rewatch to be certain. But for now, what do you think will happen if you just skip this episode? Maybe you can get the hang of the rest of the series again? After all: there is still so much more to discover in the Uncharted Territories. Maybe find a synopsis on a fan site to see if you missed anything? - see below in the link.

Hmm, seeing the synopsis makes me wonder if you're not missing to many clues to continue, but that can be remedied. Plus, it was a rather intruiging puzzle to find out what Aeryn's been doing in the meantime, which is sort of solved later on. (Which I might add to the traumatic things that happened to her above.)

Or what I do in these cases (which are rare): I simply fast forward a few minutes and go on. Or put it on double speed with subtitles to make sure I don't miss the important stuff and still go fast pas it. Last time I did that were some of the Bashir episodes of ST: DS9. Or turn it up and go grab something to eat/drink. By the time you're back the moment has passed.

The mystery deepens... I think. *MySmiley*
Here's a synopsis
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I just quit watching Farscape. Twice. (Spoilers, I guess?) - 15/04/2013 07:24:16 AM 630 Views
I must admit I had to look up what the episode was about... - 16/04/2013 02:01:18 PM 779 Views

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