*Dodges tumbleweeds*
I liked it. I liked the silly voice Bain used. I liked Batman's growly voice (and he talked more normally when speaking to allies who knew his identity, which IMO, lends credibility to the whole concept that he's trying to conceal his identity with the infamous snarl). I didn't like how hard it was to understand most of the dialogue, what with Batman's voice and Bain's voice, and the accents of Miranda Tate(and what the hell was she going for with that? American? Irish? Liam Neesonish? ) and Alfred, and Commissioner Gordon and Bruce Wayne acting pained all the time. It got to the point where I would have LOVED a conversation between Selina and Lucius, just so I could be sure of following everything they said. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure Christian Bale & Cilian Murphy are English, so why'd they & Gary Oldman have to fake American, and not Cain? And for that matter, shouldn't an English butler talk like the Alfred of the first four movies, rather than the Doolittle-like accents he & Bale used for their magicians in The Prestige? And how the hell did Joseph Gordon-Levitt make into Christopher Nolan's clique without some sort of absurd foreign blather? He's just about the only American actor to make it from Inception to the Batman trilogy.
But it's Batman, so it's not like a punch isn't going to clarify things a little bit later.
It was a strange thing, but the movie was really satisfying despite the utter predictability of each plot twist. I think that was actually the secret. The plot twists were predictable because they made sense. A lot of times, it seems like movies or TV shows have characters do some things that are really an absurd amount of trouble in hindsight, in order to preserve the mystery for a plot twist. In this movie, however, the reveals of secret connections or characters having done something off-screen to surprise the other characters don't come across as incompetent for being obvious.
There were also fights and explosions, and as in Dark Knight Period, a lot of little details don't hold up (Catwoman's apparent age wide array of obscure high-level skills; the rate at which spines heal; the ease with which caves, tunnels and secret vaults are secretly excavated in Gotham, etc), but character-wise and philosophically, there is nothing wrong here, and it kind of unifies all three movies together into a single coherent story.
I liked it. I liked the silly voice Bain used. I liked Batman's growly voice (and he talked more normally when speaking to allies who knew his identity, which IMO, lends credibility to the whole concept that he's trying to conceal his identity with the infamous snarl). I didn't like how hard it was to understand most of the dialogue, what with Batman's voice and Bain's voice, and the accents of Miranda Tate(and what the hell was she going for with that? American? Irish? Liam Neesonish? ) and Alfred, and Commissioner Gordon and Bruce Wayne acting pained all the time. It got to the point where I would have LOVED a conversation between Selina and Lucius, just so I could be sure of following everything they said. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure Christian Bale & Cilian Murphy are English, so why'd they & Gary Oldman have to fake American, and not Cain? And for that matter, shouldn't an English butler talk like the Alfred of the first four movies, rather than the Doolittle-like accents he & Bale used for their magicians in The Prestige? And how the hell did Joseph Gordon-Levitt make into Christopher Nolan's clique without some sort of absurd foreign blather? He's just about the only American actor to make it from Inception to the Batman trilogy.
But it's Batman, so it's not like a punch isn't going to clarify things a little bit later.
It was a strange thing, but the movie was really satisfying despite the utter predictability of each plot twist. I think that was actually the secret. The plot twists were predictable because they made sense. A lot of times, it seems like movies or TV shows have characters do some things that are really an absurd amount of trouble in hindsight, in order to preserve the mystery for a plot twist. In this movie, however, the reveals of secret connections or characters having done something off-screen to surprise the other characters don't come across as incompetent for being obvious.
There were also fights and explosions, and as in Dark Knight Period, a lot of little details don't hold up (Catwoman's apparent age wide array of obscure high-level skills; the rate at which spines heal; the ease with which caves, tunnels and secret vaults are secretly excavated in Gotham, etc), but character-wise and philosophically, there is nothing wrong here, and it kind of unifies all three movies together into a single coherent story.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
Dark Knight Rises anyone?
21/07/2012 12:22:24 AM
I really liked it.
21/07/2012 12:42:10 AM
Any three month olds in the theater???
21/07/2012 06:29:39 AM
??? *NM*
22/07/2012 01:31:31 AM
There was a 3mo old and a 6yr old baby/kid at the midnight screening in Aurora... *NM*
22/07/2012 07:42:30 PM
I was mocking the idiots that took their little kids to the movie. *NM*
24/07/2012 02:21:02 AM
bet you also really enjoyed (Spoiler Warning)
21/07/2012 05:46:58 PM
They used weapons and violence
21/07/2012 09:20:17 PM
Eh. The "political message" was a sham, a smokescreen. There wasn't one.
01/08/2012 02:46:50 PM
Cillian Murphy is Irish
21/07/2012 11:27:38 PM
I was just thinking of 28 Days Later and assuming his accent was legit.
22/07/2012 01:31:03 AM
It had a few issues, but overall I thought it was great. *spoilers*
22/07/2012 06:00:57 PM
I too thought it was great. - a SPOILERish reply ...
23/07/2012 07:37:26 AM
ESPECIALLY since the theme of the first two movies is "Gotham PD is corrupt"
01/08/2012 02:51:03 PM
They were charging in to ARREST the thugs, not to wipe them out. That's the point of cops
03/08/2012 03:38:13 PM
I liked every part of that movie that didn't involve Batman. (spoilers)
23/07/2012 04:32:32 PM
I wonder what you could possibly have liked.
23/07/2012 05:49:12 PM
...you do understand that my reply was not a personal attack on your opinion, right?
23/07/2012 08:33:30 PM
Re: ...you do understand that my reply was not a personal attack on your opinion, right?
28/07/2012 04:03:51 PM
Who was Catwoman's friend?
25/07/2012 01:06:23 PM
I liked it, but have nitpicks
01/08/2012 03:33:11 PM
Re: I liked it, but have nitpicks
01/08/2012 06:46:14 PM
Re: I liked it, but have nitpicks
02/08/2012 04:03:52 AM
That probably went against his philosophy.
02/08/2012 04:23:28 AM
Well, his goal is despair. It'd be even more effective if there was a guard at the top.
04/08/2012 03:12:45 AM