Active Users:617 Time:21/09/2024 06:23:04 AM
Re: That's what I thought too snoopcester Send a noteboard - 13/06/2012 10:33:18 PM
I agree. But let's be for real...Theron. She was so emotionless in her acting, I thought that she should have been the android. At least Fassbender showed emotion when he was looking at the holographic interface on the Engineer ship.

But like you said....if the scrip is crap, there's not much an actor can do to save it.

That is what it is for me - I thought Theron did a really good job with what she had. She just managed to add some subtle touches that moved her, for me, from an emotionless character into a much deeper one than the script made her - the bit that stood out for me was when she flame-throwered the the infected guy, there was just a perfect, pained look of someone who really didn't want to do what they were doing but had to. Her acting got over to me that she wasn't just an emotionless corporate person but there was a conflicted person underneath - desperate to impress her father and be the son he never had but actually someone else underneath it.
Fassbender, for me, was also excellent though in his case the script actually helped him by giving him Peter O'Toole in Lawerence of Arabia to model himself on (an socially awkward, emotionally detached role model).

Rapice and Idris Elba were like Theron for me, they seemed to add more than just their scripted actions and words gave their character.

Robert Graves "There is no money in poetry, but then there is no poetry in money, either."

Henning Mankell "We must defend the open society, because if we start locking our doors, if we let fear decide, the person who committed the act of terror will win"
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Prometheus discussion [SPOILERS] - 10/06/2012 02:51:16 AM 1419 Views
In the interest of fairness, I refuse to discuss this without having an Antimetheus opinion present. *NM* - 10/06/2012 03:13:32 AM 353 Views
Okay ... that was the one I needed ... - 10/06/2012 08:06:14 PM 786 Views
Epimetheus, IIRC *NM* - 13/06/2012 11:46:39 AM 431 Views
Meh. The movie was OK, I feel like it tried to do too much and didn't finish anything it started - 10/06/2012 03:24:16 AM 764 Views
Even I thought she would say abortion - 10/06/2012 04:15:57 AM 868 Views
I don't know that those are real plot holes - 13/06/2012 12:01:46 PM 803 Views
Except that the "science" was basically "FIND THE ENGINEERS" - 13/06/2012 02:49:33 PM 807 Views
Re: I don't know that those are real plot holes - 14/06/2012 05:26:56 AM 895 Views
How about a spoiler tag? *NM* - 10/06/2012 05:31:52 AM 441 Views
I call schenanigans. It says "Prometheus Discussion." - 10/06/2012 08:59:40 PM 773 Views
fair enough - 11/06/2012 01:52:52 AM 833 Views
Not really. - 11/06/2012 06:50:01 PM 802 Views
Great visually and some good acting - 10/06/2012 09:09:02 AM 985 Views
Re: Prometheus discussion [SPOILERS] - 10/06/2012 01:00:05 PM 873 Views
Re: Prometheus discussion [SPOILERS] - 10/06/2012 01:25:42 PM 817 Views
Re: Prometheus discussion [SPOILERS] - 11/06/2012 02:22:31 AM 849 Views
Re: Prometheus discussion [SPOILERS] - 20/06/2012 10:50:46 PM 779 Views
10 Questions Left Unanswered (link) - 11/06/2012 03:04:48 PM 896 Views
I have always detested movie scientists since I saw "Creature from the Black Lagoon" as a kid - 13/06/2012 12:53:05 PM 765 Views
The Vickers stuff is pretty annoying. There are no good villians. - 13/06/2012 03:01:28 PM 692 Views
Re: Eggs - 13/06/2012 03:43:41 PM 642 Views
Ships - 13/06/2012 04:12:57 PM 745 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 04:24:49 PM 682 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 04:50:35 PM 635 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 05:15:07 PM 676 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 06:32:16 PM 1343 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 06:47:08 PM 609 Views
Re: Ships - 13/06/2012 06:56:16 PM 656 Views
You relize the book contact was based off of was writen by one of the best scientits of our time... - 14/06/2012 01:36:49 AM 893 Views
Well the movie was retarded - 16/06/2012 01:26:28 AM 730 Views
Prometheus -> Alien - 13/06/2012 07:22:05 PM 780 Views
Eh. most of your complaints rely on the idea that this is an immediate prequel to Alien - 13/06/2012 07:38:49 PM 705 Views
Not really...... - 13/06/2012 09:15:33 PM 673 Views
Re: Not really...... - 13/06/2012 09:23:11 PM 628 Views
That's what I thought too - 13/06/2012 09:30:43 PM 632 Views
Fassbender was awesome. - 13/06/2012 09:44:11 PM 810 Views
Re: That's what I thought too - 13/06/2012 10:33:18 PM 724 Views
Re: That's what I thought too - 17/06/2012 06:43:38 PM 687 Views
Re: Not really...... - 15/06/2012 04:26:08 PM 632 Views
Re: Not really...... - 17/06/2012 12:56:47 PM 685 Views
The use of science throughout the film was dreadful - 15/06/2012 04:40:06 PM 652 Views
Looks like I enjoyed this more than the average internet poster - 08/08/2012 10:21:36 PM 567 Views
I loved it too *spoilers* - 09/08/2012 07:56:20 PM 749 Views
People at the imdb message boards... - 09/08/2012 08:26:37 PM 510 Views

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