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Taking nominations for the best Romance/Love story on SF television imlad Send a noteboard - 21/04/2012 04:50:58 PM
This is only for television shows, not movies. And just science fiction (not fantasy).

So far, after some brainstorming with a couple of friends, I have come up with the following list, but looking for more (once nominations are done, I'll turn it into a series of QuickPolls):

Dana Scully/Fox Mulder (X-Files)
Olivia Dunham/Peter Bishop (Fringe)
Malcolm Reynolds/Inara Serra (Firefly)
Delenn/John Sheridan (Babylon 5)
Marcus Cole/Susan Ivanova (Babylon 5)
John Crichton/Aeryn Sun (Farscape)
Vala Maldoran/Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG1)
Jack O'Meill/Samantha Carter (Stargate SG1)
Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller (Stargate Atlantis)
Matther Scott/Chloe Armstrong(Stargate Universe)
Ronald Greer/Lisa Park (Stargate Universe)
Everett Young/Tamara Johansen (Stargate Universe)
Kara Thrace/Lee Adama (RDM's BSG)
Bill Adama/Laura Roslin (RDM's BSG)
Gaius Baltar/Caprica Six (RDM's BSG)
Galen Tyrol/Callie Henderson (RDM's BSG)
Amy Pond/Rory "Pond" (Doctor Who)
The Doctor/River Song (Doctor Who)
Simon Bellamy/Alisha Baily (Misfits)
Jack Carter/Allison Blake (Eureka)
Jo Lupo/Zane Donovan (Eureka)
T'Pol/Charles "Trip" Tucker (Star Trek Enterprise)
William Ryker/ Deanna Troi (Star Trek Next Generation)
Tom Paris/B'Elanna Torres (Star Trek Voyager)
Al Calavicci/Beth Calavicci (Quantum Leap)

I admit, there are plenty of SF shows that are not represented (such as Lost, which I and my buddies Tony and Doug do not know well enough to know any of the romances).

Please add any other relationships we missed.

(Oh, and yes, some of those listed above were not fleshed out, such as Mal/Inarra and the Ivanova/Marcus* romance never had a chance to develop, but it was still basically there; as I stressed, this was just a brainstorming session that produced the list above)

*I'm pretty sure that if Claudia Christian hadn't left the show after season 4, Ivanova would have had a visit from Marcus in the season 5 episode "Day of the Dead" instead of Lochley's crappy visitation from her old drug buddy; that would have made this episode SO MUCH MORE potent emotionally I think.
Death to the Regressives of the GOP and the TeaParty. No mercy for Conservatives. Burn them all at the stake for the hateful satanists they are.
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Taking nominations for the best Romance/Love story on SF television - 21/04/2012 04:50:58 PM 964 Views
Jadzia Dax / Lt. Commander Worf (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) *NM* - 21/04/2012 10:39:21 PM 297 Views
Galen Tyrol/Boomer (RDM's BSG) - 22/04/2012 12:29:52 AM 809 Views
Doh!! - 22/04/2012 06:04:09 PM 697 Views
Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (Torchwood) - 22/04/2012 07:34:11 PM 667 Views
Re: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (Torchwood) - yes!!!! *NM* - 24/04/2012 01:50:52 PM 333 Views
Simon+Kaylee / Firefly. Desmond and Penny / Lost. *NM* - 22/04/2012 11:36:46 PM 317 Views
The Doctor/ Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) *NM* - 23/04/2012 02:23:07 AM 430 Views
Re: Taking nominations for the best Romance/Love story on SF television - 24/04/2012 04:52:18 AM 673 Views
original BSG??? - 25/04/2012 05:31:21 PM 697 Views
Umm, IDK, Jersey Shore? *NM* - 27/04/2012 09:40:29 AM 297 Views

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