...a certain show? Crazy...
X-Men First Class
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Harry Potter 7.2
Super 8
Kung Fu Panda 2
The adventures of TinTin
Michael Fassbender in "X-Men"
Robert Downey Jr. in "Sherlock Holmes"
Joel Courtney in "Super 8"
Stanley Tucci in "Captain America"
Andy Serkis in "Planet of the apes"
Emily Blunt in "The Adjustment Bureau"
Elle Fanning in "Super 8"
Kat Dennings in "Thor"
Emma Watson in "Harry Potter 7.2"
The three musketeers. Had potential for more.
Transformers 3. If only they left out the "comedic" first hour.
Sucker Punch. Not bad, but I just expected more.
The adjustment bureau
Rise of the planet of the apes
Captain America
Hawkeye just randomly showing up in "Thor", foreshadowing the Avengers.
The sultanate chase in "TinTin". Outrageous.
Tom Cruise on the highest building on Earth in "Mission Impossible GP". Dizzying.
The shock and the final twist in "Sherlock Holmes"
The E.T.-esque feeling of "Super 8"
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Terra Nova
American Horror Story
The walking dead
30 rock
Robot chicken
The walking dead
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
American Horror Story
Tyrion, Game of Thrones
Walter White, Breaking Bad
Jim Shannon, Terra Nova
Liz Lemon, 30 Rock
Taylor, Terra Nova
Josh Shannon, Terra Nova
Jeoffrey, Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones
American Horror Story
Person of Interest
Terra Nova
Falling skies
Fringe S4 so far, sadly.
Terra Nova season finale, faster and better than most of the season.
Person of Interest reveals its villain during Nina Simone's "Sinnerman".
Breaking Bad S4 finale. Holy fuck.
Game of Thrones. Baelor.
The walking dead: the barn opens.
For Movies:
Best Drama
X-Men First Class
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Harry Potter 7.2
Super 8
Best Comedy
Kung Fu Panda 2
The adventures of TinTin
Best acting performance male
Michael Fassbender in "X-Men"
Robert Downey Jr. in "Sherlock Holmes"
Joel Courtney in "Super 8"
Stanley Tucci in "Captain America"
Andy Serkis in "Planet of the apes"
Best acting performance female
Emily Blunt in "The Adjustment Bureau"
Elle Fanning in "Super 8"
Kat Dennings in "Thor"
Emma Watson in "Harry Potter 7.2"
Most disappointing movie
The three musketeers. Had potential for more.
Transformers 3. If only they left out the "comedic" first hour.
Sucker Punch. Not bad, but I just expected more.
Most pleasant surprise movie
The adjustment bureau
Rise of the planet of the apes
Captain America
Most Magical Moment
Hawkeye just randomly showing up in "Thor", foreshadowing the Avengers.
The sultanate chase in "TinTin". Outrageous.
Tom Cruise on the highest building on Earth in "Mission Impossible GP". Dizzying.
The shock and the final twist in "Sherlock Holmes"
The E.T.-esque feeling of "Super 8"
For TV:
Best drama show
Breaking Bad
Game of Thrones
Terra Nova
American Horror Story
The walking dead
Best comedy show
30 rock
Robot chicken
Best cast
The walking dead
Game of Thrones
Breaking Bad
American Horror Story
Favorite character
Tyrion, Game of Thrones
Walter White, Breaking Bad
Jim Shannon, Terra Nova
Liz Lemon, 30 Rock
Taylor, Terra Nova
Most annoying character
Josh Shannon, Terra Nova
Jeoffrey, Game of Thrones
Best new TV show
Game of Thrones
American Horror Story
Person of Interest
Terra Nova
Falling skies
Most disappointing show
Fringe S4 so far, sadly.
Most magical Moment
Terra Nova season finale, faster and better than most of the season.
Person of Interest reveals its villain during Nina Simone's "Sinnerman".
Breaking Bad S4 finale. Holy fuck.
Game of Thrones. Baelor.
The walking dead: the barn opens.
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
This message last edited by ironclad on 29/12/2011 at 12:28:09 PM
RAFO-TV&M Awards Nomination Phase, ended.
29/12/2011 12:03:06 AM
Okay, I'll start. Edit: How could I forget
29/12/2011 12:59:51 AM
I'm afraid my utter lack of having watched anything might shine through a little...
29/12/2011 09:09:15 PM
I want to take part, but I didn't watch enough new TV or films last year.
05/01/2012 08:10:11 PM