And I have to say, most of my favorite TV shows I've watched in the past year or two were all British made (or at least made somewhere in the UK or funded by the BBC).
Those are two entirely different things - or even three entirely different things if you're going to consider Rome "funded by the BBC" when it provided fifteen percent of the budget.
Spooks for instance is, as far as I'm aware, simply a British show - British actors, British makers, British money. Game of Thrones may be largely filmed in Britain and have many British actors, but it's made by an American company and American producers. Rome was mostly American-funded and made, with some British actors. I can't see how Britain would deserve the majority of the credit for either of these last two.
Not that we still don't make good TV over here in North America. But most of those good shows are actually filmed in the Vancouver area (almost every show on SyFy channel, and numerous other shows). And hell, Fillion is a bloody Canadian.
It's a bit silly to consider shows Canadian just because they're filmed (generally not even set, in-story) in the Vancouver area - or because their lead actor is Canadian.
Most American TV today is crap. Endless cop shows, endless medical dramas, endless reality TV shows... it never ends. There is a serious sparsity of GOOD televison being filmed in the US by US studios for US networks. A few years back that wasn't the case, but now, I don't see much good stuff coming out of my country on TV anymore.
I guess I'm not following American television so closely that I can judge how it is now compared to just "a few" years ago, if by "a few" you mean only two or three. But American companies - and not just HBO - have produced numerous excellent shows in the past years. Just because an increasing amount of these shows has foreign participation in either the funding, the acting or other roles, doesn't mean they're not American anymore. One of the many reasons why Lost was so good was its having a significant international aspect in actors, characters, setting and story, while still being backed by the huge American knowhow and funding possibilities that few other places can match.
We just don't do good television any more. Sort of like the way we are starting to slide when it comes to so many other areas (like science, industry, respecting our citizens, etc etc)
I don't think American television is growing worse. Non-American television is growing better and the gap is growing smaller, is all.
If I see one more Dr Who post, this board is going nuclear winter!
21/11/2011 09:45:45 PM
Re: If I see one more Dr Who post, this board is going nuclear winter!
22/11/2011 12:44:28 AM
Apparently David Morrisey and Chiwetell Ejiofor are the likely candidates for the Doctor Who film *NM*
22/11/2011 03:12:42 AM
If you survive the blast, radiation will surely finish you off *NM*
22/11/2011 03:40:09 AM
Hmm. Nathan Fillion as The Doctor...
22/11/2011 02:54:54 PM
I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. *NM*
23/11/2011 04:17:15 PM
I'm an American
29/11/2011 03:00:12 AM
I can't agree.
29/11/2011 08:33:21 PM