Active Users:604 Time:11/03/2025 05:54:25 AM
I laughed my way throught he excorcist. Fox and Ravens Send a noteboard - 04/11/2011 06:34:30 PM
I'm not sure if it was prior exposure to plot points (through pop culture) or what, but when I watched it a couple years back, I seriously thought it was humorous.
Go Hokies!

CS/CpE. Yay engineering!
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What is your favorite scary movie? - 01/11/2011 01:55:02 AM 894 Views
Wolf Creek - 01/11/2011 02:09:32 AM 640 Views
Knocked Up. - 01/11/2011 05:51:58 AM 690 Views
Yeah, pretty much any romantic comedy. *NM* - 01/11/2011 04:45:44 PM 316 Views
Not sure but it probably has Vincent Price in it. - 01/11/2011 06:52:15 AM 658 Views
I am torn between those I can watch over and over and those that scared me too much to do so - 01/11/2011 12:09:07 PM 654 Views
Have you seen the director's cut of The Exorcist? - 02/11/2011 02:59:34 AM 657 Views
With spider girl coming down the steps? - 02/11/2011 10:13:44 AM 721 Views
I laughed my way throught he excorcist. - 04/11/2011 06:34:30 PM 649 Views
Shaun of the Dead - 01/11/2011 01:55:50 PM 664 Views
Probably The Shining. *NM* - 01/11/2011 03:57:01 PM 281 Views
It's weird - 01/11/2011 06:34:35 PM 666 Views
Willy Wonka's Tunnel Scene *NM* - 01/11/2011 07:53:51 PM 327 Views
seconded *NM* - 07/11/2011 08:38:20 AM 307 Views
Dawn of the Dead. *NM* - 02/11/2011 01:10:05 AM 286 Views
The Scream movies. - 02/11/2011 01:34:14 AM 701 Views
2 was the high point in that otherwise unstellar series - 02/11/2011 02:27:38 PM 652 Views
Event Horizon was/is my favorite. It's crazy fun. - 05/11/2011 06:47:28 AM 640 Views
Saw - 06/11/2011 08:32:50 AM 674 Views
John Carpenter's "The Thing" - 06/11/2011 08:22:48 PM 613 Views

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