The two Silence being referred to as River Song's owners?
It's a thing of nightmares!
They're so flipping scary!! They are my new favorite monster.
But yeah, it looks like Kevorian really is working for them. That explains why they have baby River in the Impossible Astronaut. They didn't have to steal her or anything, whatsherface just handed her over.
If Kovarian is working for the silent aliens, that implies that the silent aliens are in charge of the entire Silence movement that is dedicated to destroying the Doctor. Would that make their kill-the-Doctor goal a revenge plot because of what he did to them? But they clearly knew the Doctor before that, based on what one of them said to Amy in the bathroom. And they kidnapped pregnant Amy and had child Melody in the suit all before the Doctor tried to drive them from the planet.
I'm not sure if I believe they're the leaders of the Silence, or if they're just another part of the organization, like the Clerics and the Headless Monks. Either way, I don't think Kovarian is in charge. There's someone or something above her, some overall reason for the war on the Doctor, and some reason why the Clerics and the Headless Monks got involved in it.
I wonder if there were silent aliens watching River ever since she broke free and took up archaeology. There could have been two of them just following her around for years.
Warder to starry_nite
Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
Doctor Who 6.12 - Closing Time
25/09/2011 04:52:22 PM
I can't add a whole lot to this..
26/09/2011 04:39:11 AM
200 years..
26/09/2011 04:06:25 PM
The Doctor bits were good, the Craig bits were not
27/09/2011 03:07:13 PM
My thoughts exactly *NM*
27/09/2011 04:11:23 PM
Might it also be possible ...
27/09/2011 08:03:52 PM
I feel like there's no way that 32 minutes thing is a coincidence
27/09/2011 11:07:32 PM