Stephen Moffat has said that one of the Doctor's group of four (Doctor, Amy, Rory, River) will die (my money is on River, even if that breaks with the timeline which was set up in the Library.
I'll believe that when it happens. Though I swear to God, if they kill Rory again ... I'm gonna find Stephen Moffat and punch him in the face. Give the man a break! Try fake-killing Amy for once or something.
It does seem a little unfair if Rory is the target once again. Worse, I think it would be a little tired. They have used up the impact. I believe that either River is for the chop (they have to get rid of her somehow, although it is problematic in view of the library episode), or the Doctor (possibly some future version?) will be killed. Of course, the latter will require some major juggling with plot, but that is something I enjoy.
Apparently the Silents are also the "scariest opener to any Doctor Who series yet" (this worries me).
I believe this. And it makes me HAPPY.
Indeed. Especially since I will not have to watch them alone this season. I have a very low tolerance for scary, and I am still half convinced I will be turned into a water zombie when I shower. And I have cut out and thrown away all the pictures of the angels from my Doctor Who calendar (seriously: don't the people who make the calendars watch the show?).
structured procrastinator
structured procrastinator
Doctor Who news: Moffat makes announcement *possible spoiler*
05/04/2011 10:00:03 AM
I thought they promissed all new enemies/monsters this season *Plus new trailer*
05/04/2011 10:43:58 AM
Well, there looks like there are quite a few
05/04/2011 10:56:06 AM
Ah, poor phrasing on my part. I thought they promised no returning monsters/villains
05/04/2011 11:41:27 AM