This means either you, or a Watch partner role blocked me during the second night. Fair enough.
No we didn't, actually. I was confused because it sounds exactly like how our faction ability works, but it wasn't any one of us, and no points were deducted from our faction morale pool. I have absolutely no idea what happened with you on that Night.
That's... surprising. From where I'm standing, there are three possibilities: either you're lying, and that feels strange, as it only puts more suspicion in your direction - you could have not mentioned it and I would not have mentioned it again, there's a mole in your group who used their own morale to send in the guards (Sam Vimes? Who then didn't say anything to the rest? That would be pretty scummy), or someone from outside can command the Watch. In the latter case: the Patrician?
Anybody want to confes to this?
Yes, that was me.
But as I said in my other post, I don't know why the Watch was involved. I have no affiliation with them and certainly don't "command" them. Possible mod snafu mixing up two roles that are both roleblockers is my best guess.