True, well I'm looking forward to seeing Beet's RM when this is done, he may be exactly as advertised and it was just a lucky guess but I doubt it. I'd love if he turned out to be other than he said but on the other hand he had time and knew death was coming, figure he would have told us all he had, there wasn't a sudden burst of silencing votes.
True, we don't tend to go over basic WIFOM stuff much anymore and we've had a fair few players join since the last time anyone's commented about how vigs need to be careful on night 1 and best not to strike without some surety. It seems common sense but that rarely matters, you'd think a vig as new player would have killed me though, hell I'm a bit surprised none of those found me, part of why I was musing about PGO.
Well my own rule of thumb when designing them has always been to try to keep them about evenly balanced and limit NK powers to basically prevent things like this happening, but beyond that it is perfectly possible to have a balanced multi-scum-faction game with half or even the majority of players on this or that Team Evil. 12 players, 3 scum on 3 team and 3 townies is doable for instance but unless you want the game to be very short you need to toss out lots of anti-NK options and/or have a failure rate or non-consecutive use on NK, rock-paper-scissors to kill or such. We've done a 8-2-2 before I think, that game Gher ran.
There's also the other roles thing, unfortunately without PM roles if some doc leaves their log of who they protected in hypocop form we have jack unless they claim doc before they die and presumably tell us anyway. It will save time on me having to re-write or dig up an explanation of alternate roles hypocopping, tohugh I probably ought to anyway as it has been a good long while with new players introduced since.
Well it doesn't strike me as likely to be dangerous to the town so even if it's 1 in 10 we might as well.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod