We're the only two people outside the vouching chain.
Still, I'm a Narn and therefore highly unlikely to be providing assistance to the Centauri. Galadriel, being my pouchsibling, can attest to that fact.
You, on the other hand, claimed bulletproof in a game where nobody has demonstrated any night-killing ability except the scum, who have very standard firepower. It's a very inappropriate role for this game, I think.
I realise it seems somewhat out of place, but I really don't have any concrete reason for it, only things that come to my mind are the possible extra scum ability/abilities I talked about earlier and it having something to do with night 0 hijinks that didn't happen (Yuna said she was Masoned to Taiga somehow, perhaps someone could have gained NK or NKs that way too?).
But yeah, we two are the only possible suspects, you aren't going to vote for yourself, I'm not going to vote for myself, it comes down to Yuna and galadriel.
Lord Bergioyn of House Jaederan, Baron of Tridea, Pro Tempore Emeritus of the Landsraad, CHOAM Senior Director of Interplanetary Trade
6-7-0 + 1 + 2-0-0