Active Users:642 Time:11/03/2025 04:28:08 AM
Okay, right now I'm looking at Beet, FT, and DK Isaac Send a noteboard - 07/05/2011 02:04:01 AM
I should also note before I start, we need to go ahead and hypocop if we plan to do that before we forget, and I'd rather someone else handled that since I'm not expecting to be around much this weekend.

Okay, where to start? I don't think the three of them are in cahoots, so odds are 1, 2 or all three of them are townies, not zero. There are a lot of peculiarities here that draw my eye.

1) There's still the improbability of the gender assignments, and Yuna had a character-specific role, not a random gal plucked out of the bag to avoid pronoun confusion. Beet asked and answered the gender question first, and non-visibly, Yuna second and DK third.

2) FT has claimed Odysseus, Beetnemesis claims to know Odysseus, and there's a very short list of female character to match that, one of them also matches up to one of DK's also short list of viable options, and DK said she knew of her character and Beet said his was well-known. Can't say for sure DK's is well-known, she might be a Greek mythology buff, but that seems indicated and thus far they've all been pretty major that we know of.

3) Beet is now pushing toward DK on the 'Bad Girls' hypothesis, and FT backed it strongly. Not super-strong, a first vote from FT is more common than from anyone else except maybe me, and on the other hand, almost everyone he's voted first for has died that day, so it's not exactly a light prod either.

4) Not too related, but FT's Author question was non-obvious, almost makes me wonder if he's out for revenge on Homer or something.

5) The claim itself, it is not like FT to reveal info on day 1 about himself except under pressure, except for the Miller Claim in Gher's game which presumably didn't encourage future reveals. Why claim as Odysseus? Was it just because Beet had claimed to know him shortly before that? I can't see him just revealing that without a motive

6) Isn't it odd that FT-Odysseus, who with the exception of his wife usually had very bad times from women, seems more suspicious of the person who claims an era before his as opposed to the person who outright claims to have interacted with him?

So, none of this is actually 'suspicious', and pretty much any alignment combination is possible besides it being unlikely DK is scummer allied to any of them, but there's too many peculiarities here and I'm inclined to think that character claims by Beet and DK might answer them, it also seems like we're headed that way anyway, pressure's on DK but if she reveals we'll obviously make Beet reveal too unless hers just screams evil-bad, so while I make no demand for character reveals at this time - and this is genuinely not an accusation at any of them - I do feel character claims by both now are the best way to proceed. I feel pretty strongly something is afoot here, and I feel FT doesn't really have anything left to reveal that strikes me as both pertinent and safe to reveal or likely to be willing and truthfully revealed, so no real questions for him, though if he can offer any alternate light on the points I raised I'd appreciate it. Again, this doesn't so much scream 'scum' as 'odd', so I think we should clear it up now if possible.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
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Mafia 22: Day 2 - Get the Ball Rolling - 05/05/2011 07:29:12 PM 2814 Views
Well, I guess that's for the best. - 05/05/2011 07:46:52 PM 971 Views
I suppose we got a fairly lucky break there. - 05/05/2011 08:08:47 PM 970 Views
Yeah, I guess that's not a worst case scenario - 05/05/2011 08:19:50 PM 983 Views
Actually, probably best thing that could have happened, to be honest. - 05/05/2011 08:36:57 PM 880 Views
Except that we spent all of yesterDay lynching a dead man. *NM* - 05/05/2011 08:47:16 PM 522 Views
Except for that. *NM* - 05/05/2011 09:35:39 PM 559 Views
Re: Well, I guess that's for the best. - 05/05/2011 09:06:21 PM 984 Views
Day 1 Info Summary (Table) - 05/05/2011 09:08:08 PM 992 Views
arrrgh! my streak hath broken! *NM* - 05/05/2011 09:50:21 PM 435 Views
Gahhh I totally knew she was Antigone - 06/05/2011 12:07:13 AM 846 Views
OK, so the Bergioyn thing was kind of a bust - 06/05/2011 04:58:14 AM 867 Views
I am against this plan. - 06/05/2011 05:53:27 AM 872 Views
I'm inclined to agree with beetnemesis, actually. - 06/05/2011 08:27:54 AM 988 Views
Are you really that sure that DK is evil to vote? - 06/05/2011 12:24:21 PM 927 Views
Sure, voting just means I consider her highly suspect. - 06/05/2011 11:42:34 PM 970 Views
Re: Sure, voting just means I consider her highly suspect. - 07/05/2011 01:36:52 AM 949 Views
I was RBIRL for most of that time. - 06/05/2011 02:27:55 PM 925 Views
Probable RBIRL - 07/05/2011 12:59:40 AM 991 Views
I'm RBIRL too - 07/05/2011 02:38:53 AM 926 Views
Okay, right now I'm looking at Beet, FT, and DK - 07/05/2011 02:04:01 AM 920 Views
Re: Okay, right now I'm looking at Beet, FT, and DK - 07/05/2011 03:01:55 AM 966 Views
Re: Okay, right now I'm looking at Beet, FT, and DK - 07/05/2011 05:10:09 AM 864 Views
Re: Okay, right now I'm looking at Beet, FT, and DK - 07/05/2011 06:05:33 AM 938 Views
Re: Okay, right now I'm looking at Beet, FT, and DK - 07/05/2011 06:49:09 AM 1022 Views
A roleclaim seems pretty reasonable - 07/05/2011 07:00:53 AM 904 Views
I think he wants identity claims, not roleclaims. Otherwise he'd have asked for mine too. *NM* - 07/05/2011 07:15:50 AM 517 Views
Yes, just character *NM* - 07/05/2011 02:22:50 PM 575 Views
Ah, that's probably better. - 07/05/2011 06:46:03 PM 984 Views
Re: Ah, that's probably better. - 07/05/2011 06:56:07 PM 902 Views
Well, if DK is RBIRL, - 07/05/2011 08:06:04 PM 1029 Views
I could - 08/05/2011 07:06:44 PM 957 Views
Would you mind coding it beforehand? - 08/05/2011 08:59:16 PM 1014 Views
I agree. A code would be ideal here. - 08/05/2011 10:14:54 PM 842 Views
Good idea. OK, here it is. - 09/05/2011 12:28:08 AM 978 Views
Heh, I read the code before the rest and forgot it was a code. - 10/05/2011 06:27:35 AM 1042 Views
wawqqxomuenwagayuelcyulicsmfihswbtpnelbvyyrwy - 11/05/2011 03:45:57 AM 992 Views
Certainly, I'll enlighten as best I can. - 07/05/2011 07:15:03 AM 989 Views
Okay, that pretty much answered all my questions - 07/05/2011 04:44:34 PM 876 Views
I'm noboy! - 07/05/2011 11:35:41 PM 977 Views
I feel like that ought to be a word - 08/05/2011 12:51:03 AM 988 Views
RBIRL - 07/05/2011 11:42:04 AM 966 Views
Let's make ourselves a Hypocop table! - 07/05/2011 11:15:14 PM 855 Views
I found Stephen to be Not Guilty *NM* - 07/05/2011 11:50:02 PM 521 Views
I found Scott to be not Guilty *NM* - 07/05/2011 11:58:53 PM 531 Views
I found Fanatic Templar to be not guilty *NM* - 08/05/2011 12:00:01 AM 498 Views
I found Darth Katie to be not Guilty. *NM* - 08/05/2011 01:01:55 AM 461 Views
I found Fox and Ravens to be guilty. *NM* - 08/05/2011 04:50:11 AM 497 Views
I found Isaac to be not guilty. *NM* - 08/05/2011 03:18:51 PM 523 Views
I found ranagrande to be innocent. *NM* - 08/05/2011 05:50:17 PM 441 Views
I found Isaac to be guilty. *NM* - 09/05/2011 06:12:32 PM 538 Views
Le Sigh - 10/05/2011 01:48:19 AM 815 Views
Re: Le Sigh - 10/05/2011 04:03:47 AM 896 Views
Everybody in Greek myth is drenched in blood. - 10/05/2011 04:24:14 AM 804 Views
I mean, yeah. - 10/05/2011 04:54:33 AM 822 Views
And we don't really have a clue what we're looking for in the scum either. - 10/05/2011 06:45:09 PM 824 Views
It could be worse - 10/05/2011 05:04:40 AM 853 Views
I'm just going to go ahead and say I'm not the cop. *NM* - 10/05/2011 02:39:36 PM 482 Views
Interesting - 10/05/2011 03:16:37 PM 874 Views
OK, and my decryption: - 10/05/2011 05:42:32 AM 994 Views
Code checks, let's go ahead an audit them - 10/05/2011 07:22:36 AM 900 Views
Eh... I'm open to pursuing other avenues, as long as we don't rule out DK - 11/05/2011 04:09:20 AM 860 Views
Re: Eh... I'm open to pursuing other avenues, as long as we don't rule out DK - 11/05/2011 04:19:55 AM 909 Views
Just reminding people of a previous conversation branch - 11/05/2011 06:15:19 AM 894 Views
Oh, fair enough. *NM* - 11/05/2011 01:29:45 PM 518 Views
Re: Eh... I'm open to pursuing other avenues, as long as we don't rule out DK - 11/05/2011 05:46:49 AM 870 Views
Alexander seems a bit off-flavor, but I can see Leonidas as a possibility - 11/05/2011 06:17:51 AM 1076 Views
Re: Alexander seems a bit off-flavor, but I can see Leonidas as a possibility - 11/05/2011 07:04:08 PM 892 Views
I've a feeling we could probably exclude the Persians - 11/05/2011 07:20:58 PM 891 Views
You can go ahead and do that. - 11/05/2011 09:17:11 PM 944 Views
Plus, there's the whole "well-known" thing - 11/05/2011 10:02:14 PM 854 Views
Re: Plus, there's the whole "well-known" thing - 11/05/2011 11:21:44 PM 944 Views
I was referring to ranagrande's "Have you heard of your character" question - 12/05/2011 12:39:55 AM 890 Views
If you guys are going to guess what my character is, why not jsut ask me to character claim? - 12/05/2011 02:53:17 AM 771 Views
Why don't you go ahead and claim then? - 12/05/2011 03:18:50 AM 788 Views
Re: Plus, there's the whole "well-known" thing - 12/05/2011 03:29:52 AM 887 Views
I think Troy was in Asia - 12/05/2011 03:53:13 AM 921 Views
Yep - 12/05/2011 04:27:39 AM 944 Views
Yes, it's in Anatolia. - 12/05/2011 04:50:06 AM 916 Views
So I wikipediaed it. - 12/05/2011 05:23:37 AM 890 Views
Wow, 'historicity' is a word, I never knew that - 12/05/2011 05:43:53 AM 903 Views
According to Euripides, Medea was not actually Greek. - 12/05/2011 01:25:09 PM 919 Views
I always thought they were Punic or Phoenician *NM* - 12/05/2011 02:50:50 PM 512 Views
Re: Eh... I'm open to pursuing other avenues, as long as we don't rule out DK - 11/05/2011 09:16:11 PM 837 Views
I had a suspicion you were Penelope. - 10/05/2011 02:40:38 PM 838 Views
I actually believe Katie. - 11/05/2011 01:11:17 AM 863 Views
I think most of us do, but I don't think you've contemplated the facts thoroughly - 11/05/2011 03:53:30 AM 915 Views
I think I can guess what Katie is - 11/05/2011 02:25:47 PM 884 Views
Good move. *NM* - 11/05/2011 03:32:45 PM 520 Views
Yes a Bomb or similiar is a real worry *NM* - 11/05/2011 06:51:12 PM 492 Views
So... - 11/05/2011 03:11:35 AM 997 Views
Good to see you back! - 11/05/2011 03:41:41 AM 807 Views
Re: So... - 11/05/2011 03:51:57 AM 870 Views
Wait, we have that? - 11/05/2011 04:44:10 AM 1005 Views
- 11/05/2011 05:13:50 AM 861 Views
Yea, I tend to skim when your posts get too long, unless their life-or-death, so to speak. *NM* - 11/05/2011 06:45:07 AM 520 Views
One might note that when they get 'too long', there's generally a reason they did - 11/05/2011 06:57:38 PM 867 Views
Yes, but sometimes that reason is that you want to bury suspicions in a wall of text . *NM* - 11/05/2011 11:20:01 PM 543 Views
Probably not - 11/05/2011 11:56:11 PM 813 Views
Isaac admitted his evilness here! LYNCH!!! - 12/05/2011 02:50:32 AM 852 Views
Well we all know I'm evil, that doesn't mean I'm scum - 12/05/2011 04:43:02 AM 983 Views
I'm not going to lie, I'm trying to decide of you are serious or not. - 11/05/2011 05:36:59 AM 980 Views
I've been doing this old school. *NM* - 11/05/2011 06:45:57 AM 504 Views
*cackles madly* *NM* - 11/05/2011 01:29:19 PM 431 Views
It's what I'd do too. - 12/05/2011 02:51:13 AM 908 Views
My character claim. - 12/05/2011 02:27:03 PM 931 Views
Good job at making yourself incredibly suspicious - 12/05/2011 03:24:18 PM 878 Views
BUM BUM BUMMMMMMMMMMMMM - 12/05/2011 04:17:51 PM 921 Views
...why didn't the "*NM*" appear? *NM* - 13/05/2011 05:35:09 AM 508 Views
Multiple nested quotes. *NM* - 13/05/2011 06:13:15 AM 544 Views
Yeah, that probably requires some explaining away - 12/05/2011 09:13:39 PM 890 Views
Not true this time. - 12/05/2011 11:27:55 PM 882 Views
Re: Not true this time. - 12/05/2011 11:57:58 PM 846 Views
Re: Not true this time. - 13/05/2011 12:01:46 AM 858 Views
Pretty much that you're wrong - 13/05/2011 01:14:28 AM 859 Views
I am wrong, judging by Hobo's post - 13/05/2011 01:24:38 AM 830 Views
I admit this is possible, but... - 13/05/2011 01:36:28 AM 881 Views
Re: I admit this is possible, but... - 13/05/2011 01:46:51 AM 967 Views
Re: I admit this is possible, but... - 13/05/2011 02:08:00 AM 726 Views
Re: I admit this is possible, but... - 13/05/2011 03:33:03 AM 892 Views
Okay, I can't see how that's possible - 13/05/2011 02:32:18 AM 981 Views
Believe what you want. - 13/05/2011 03:30:03 AM 934 Views
Re: Okay, I can't see how that's possible - 13/05/2011 03:42:15 AM 993 Views
Wow! - 13/05/2011 07:42:23 AM 955 Views
Re: Wow! - 13/05/2011 03:42:56 PM 940 Views
That's what they ALL say. *NM* - 13/05/2011 05:08:21 PM 497 Views
2 things about that. - 12/05/2011 11:26:14 PM 840 Views
This is an easy misunderstanding. - 13/05/2011 12:24:52 AM 849 Views
The play may be classical, - 13/05/2011 12:32:47 AM 875 Views
My bad. - 13/05/2011 01:15:08 AM 957 Views
Re: This is an easy misunderstanding. - 13/05/2011 01:15:11 AM 935 Views
Yes, but even the gods were beholden to Fate. - 13/05/2011 04:51:08 AM 918 Views
This is what I initially thought. - 13/05/2011 04:53:32 AM 846 Views
Re: This is an easy misunderstanding. - 13/05/2011 04:57:43 AM 838 Views
Really, fully properly RBIRL now - 12/05/2011 11:05:59 PM 954 Views
Good luck! *NM* - 13/05/2011 04:53:55 AM 474 Views
So what do you guys want to do now? *NM* - 14/05/2011 02:49:55 AM 499 Views
Probably all recovering from final exams or something *NM* - 15/05/2011 12:08:57 AM 487 Views
Actually, can we get a quick headcount? - 15/05/2011 12:10:11 AM 803 Views
Re: Actually, can we get a quick headcount? - 15/05/2011 12:30:42 AM 842 Views
Yo. - 15/05/2011 01:15:05 AM 925 Views
I don't really find the Oedipus claim super damning - 15/05/2011 04:10:45 AM 942 Views
Neither do I. - 15/05/2011 06:07:11 AM 898 Views
I'm semi-here. - 15/05/2011 01:16:22 AM 852 Views
I am officially no longer RBIRL. - 15/05/2011 04:11:46 AM 889 Views
Feels great doesn't it? - 16/05/2011 12:13:16 AM 855 Views
Heya, I'm here - 15/05/2011 08:18:14 AM 796 Views
Not really here - 15/05/2011 01:29:40 PM 863 Views
I'm here. Should be able to keep up with everything. *NM* - 16/05/2011 12:12:27 AM 525 Views
I'm here...ish. - 16/05/2011 02:42:05 PM 888 Views
I'm still here...sorta....kinda...I guess.... - 16/05/2011 05:41:53 PM 998 Views
We seem to have reached an impasse - 17/05/2011 01:07:29 PM 1053 Views
B: Fox and beet - 17/05/2011 03:22:34 PM 787 Views
B: DK and Fox - 17/05/2011 03:52:47 PM 941 Views
Re: B: DK and Fox - 17/05/2011 04:40:17 PM 883 Views
B: beet, DK - 17/05/2011 04:43:10 PM 926 Views
B: Fox then Beet - 17/05/2011 06:33:35 PM 890 Views
B: Fox - 17/05/2011 07:43:30 PM 878 Views
Option Pick (Table) - 17/05/2011 11:13:07 PM 937 Views
Yeah, I'm not specially fond of roleclaiming this early in the game. - 18/05/2011 01:51:36 AM 890 Views
B: Beet and Fox *NM* - 18/05/2011 07:11:14 PM 553 Views
I like A *NM* - 18/05/2011 09:28:44 PM 543 Views
Okay Fox, it looks like it's gonna be you - 19/05/2011 03:32:47 AM 903 Views
Yeah I thought as much. - 19/05/2011 03:50:26 AM 928 Views
That's plausible - 19/05/2011 05:07:07 AM 935 Views
I believe you until someone claims otherwise. - 19/05/2011 05:34:57 AM 921 Views
I guess that's plausible - 19/05/2011 06:02:21 AM 901 Views
Re: I guess that's plausible - 19/05/2011 06:19:57 AM 880 Views
It is a strategy that is most valuable the earlier you use it though. - 19/05/2011 06:39:29 AM 854 Views
All it'd take was an unlucky scum - 19/05/2011 06:44:30 AM 914 Views
Okay, cop claim in play, so what do we want to do? - 19/05/2011 06:01:55 AM 1054 Views
Even if he has been outed as the cop - 19/05/2011 06:24:31 AM 818 Views
Re: Even if he has been outed as the cop - 19/05/2011 06:37:15 AM 927 Views
Well, that's a whole mindgame between the scum and the doc. - 19/05/2011 06:48:53 AM 917 Views
It also ties up their roleblocker though. - 19/05/2011 06:56:29 AM 943 Views
Semi-tangential question: - 19/05/2011 06:17:21 PM 966 Views
Yes, that's what I mean. - 19/05/2011 08:22:09 PM 960 Views
The one thing that makes me slightly suspect the claim - 19/05/2011 12:49:38 PM 975 Views
Nevermind - 19/05/2011 12:51:44 PM 978 Views
Anyway, you would think that because of my previously flub ups, I'd learn. - 19/05/2011 03:43:09 PM 886 Views
"Because I've demonstrated a penchant for making mistakes, obviously this time is for real." - 19/05/2011 06:21:17 PM 1034 Views
Well, it's not just mistakes in general. - 19/05/2011 07:25:41 PM 866 Views
I guess we're going with disavowal (Table) - 20/05/2011 03:54:11 AM 1006 Views
No *NM* - 20/05/2011 07:50:45 AM 476 Views
No. *NM* - 20/05/2011 01:55:37 PM 455 Views
No. *NM* - 20/05/2011 05:22:40 PM 504 Views
No. *NM* - 20/05/2011 05:52:13 PM 485 Views
No *NM* - 20/05/2011 08:00:44 PM 565 Views
No. *NM* - 20/05/2011 09:45:00 PM 505 Views
No. *NM* - 20/05/2011 11:57:54 PM 530 Views
OK then, I'll RC - 20/05/2011 07:23:07 PM 909 Views
Quick edit - 20/05/2011 07:41:52 PM 794 Views
So... it's been a day. Was everyone Raptured or something? - 21/05/2011 11:35:42 PM 965 Views
Re: So... it's been a day. Was everyone Raptured or something? - 22/05/2011 02:04:26 AM 770 Views
Makes sense to me. - 22/05/2011 05:43:56 PM 888 Views
I'm the cop. - 22/05/2011 09:50:11 PM 998 Views
Cop??? *NM* - 22/05/2011 09:56:39 PM 507 Views
Well this was easier than expected. - 22/05/2011 10:24:52 PM 905 Views
Yeah, I suppose - 22/05/2011 10:37:07 PM 783 Views
Wow, yeah. Wtf is this? Vote: Darth Katie. *NM* - 23/05/2011 12:15:14 AM 498 Views
Hmm... - 23/05/2011 01:42:32 AM 997 Views
Re: Hmm... - 23/05/2011 02:02:28 AM 855 Views
We can make an argument to lynch her purely off the "lynch all liars" rule as F-T said. - 23/05/2011 02:10:11 AM 1042 Views
EBWOP - 23/05/2011 02:12:13 AM 828 Views
Yeah, I believe you are the cop. - 23/05/2011 09:32:20 AM 905 Views
*Hits self in the face repeatedly* - 23/05/2011 09:19:40 AM 857 Views
Did I mention I didn't get a lot of sleep last night? - 23/05/2011 09:25:15 AM 755 Views
I can believe that at least - 23/05/2011 10:29:12 AM 954 Views
Oh please - 23/05/2011 02:35:28 PM 957 Views
This would all be more believable - 23/05/2011 03:32:31 PM 824 Views
I didn't remember that about Option B - 23/05/2011 03:52:11 PM 919 Views
I will *Unvote* for now - 23/05/2011 05:42:22 PM 987 Views
You don't approve of a doctor that can protect himself? - 23/05/2011 11:23:58 PM 884 Views
Not unless it's properly compensated for, no - 24/05/2011 12:16:09 AM 997 Views
Yeah, don't cripple yourself on our behalf - 24/05/2011 07:17:22 AM 839 Views
I totally understand. - 23/05/2011 03:44:15 PM 959 Views
Well, to be fair... - 23/05/2011 07:18:16 PM 971 Views
I know *NM* - 23/05/2011 07:51:21 PM 513 Views
Shrug, pretty easy to determine - 23/05/2011 04:11:17 PM 865 Views
EBWOP - 23/05/2011 09:27:52 AM 925 Views
Re: *Hits self in the face repeatedly* - 23/05/2011 12:55:00 PM 928 Views
Yeah, this is what I expected the other plausible screw-up to be. - 23/05/2011 07:10:46 PM 846 Views
Actually... - 23/05/2011 07:35:00 PM 1001 Views
Funny story... - 23/05/2011 07:48:56 PM 840 Views
I can respect that. - 23/05/2011 08:10:49 PM 930 Views
I'm RBIRL at the moment - 22/05/2011 09:11:44 PM 965 Views
Hey, Kronin. - 22/05/2011 11:26:08 PM 1000 Views
Kronin? - 24/05/2011 08:19:41 AM 988 Views
So... Fox and DK have both claimed cop? - 23/05/2011 02:34:30 AM 899 Views
Well, now the switch around to a Doc claim. - 23/05/2011 03:56:48 PM 838 Views
He's Beloved though (if he's not scum) - 23/05/2011 04:07:06 PM 1033 Views
Yeah, this whole thing didn't really work out too well - 23/05/2011 04:38:30 PM 846 Views
Re: Yeah, this whole thing didn't really work out too well - 23/05/2011 05:50:26 PM 762 Views
It's been an unmitigated disaster - 23/05/2011 06:01:23 PM 865 Views
Hm. I... have no idea - 23/05/2011 11:22:59 PM 1009 Views
Re: Hm. I... have no idea - 23/05/2011 11:56:12 PM 934 Views
Oh, I did forget Ranagrande. - 23/05/2011 06:58:47 PM 1015 Views
So, uh... Wow. - 23/05/2011 07:38:36 PM 906 Views
Re: So, uh... Wow. - 23/05/2011 07:47:10 PM 902 Views
I think we might as well. - 23/05/2011 08:09:58 PM 921 Views
Flavor flav - 23/05/2011 08:22:52 PM 962 Views
Before this Mass RC idea takes hold... - 23/05/2011 07:59:18 PM 930 Views
Re: Before this Mass RC idea takes hold... - 23/05/2011 08:15:59 PM 977 Views
All right... - 23/05/2011 08:29:28 PM 1014 Views
That's a good compromise. I support this motion. *NM* - 23/05/2011 08:42:00 PM 524 Views
Possibly - 23/05/2011 08:51:52 PM 917 Views
I guess I'm one of those less actives. - 23/05/2011 11:49:23 PM 911 Views
Probably everyone shuld just character claim - no codes - 24/05/2011 12:45:10 AM 922 Views
Because the negative consequences are mostly gone. - 24/05/2011 03:15:55 AM 1078 Views
Was it Kronin or Gher that did the whole "everyone is a robot with a Backup Role" game? - 23/05/2011 11:28:05 PM 880 Views
Gher - 23/05/2011 11:54:56 PM 1237 Views
I want to start off by saying that I believe DK. - 23/05/2011 08:21:26 PM 942 Views
Re: I want to start off by saying that I believe DK. - 23/05/2011 08:41:10 PM 857 Views
Re: I want to start off by saying that I believe DK. - 24/05/2011 07:55:14 PM 933 Views
Re: I want to start off by saying that I believe DK. - 25/05/2011 01:40:17 AM 912 Views
Another point against Isaac: - 23/05/2011 11:32:14 PM 924 Views
That's a bit circumstancial - 23/05/2011 11:46:22 PM 880 Views
Actually, I didn't suspect either you or DK, you brought that up - 23/05/2011 11:54:19 PM 930 Views
Re: Actually, I didn't suspect either you or DK, you brought that up - 24/05/2011 12:28:24 AM 918 Views
I'm back. - 23/05/2011 10:11:28 PM 865 Views
I think the character claim is a good idea - 24/05/2011 07:11:12 AM 954 Views
I agree. - 24/05/2011 07:47:18 PM 1001 Views
I guess I'm in. - 24/05/2011 11:48:02 PM 871 Views
So, seeing no objections to the mass character claim, let's start! - 26/05/2011 01:16:36 AM 802 Views
LOL, somebody just volunteered - 26/05/2011 01:53:47 AM 948 Views
Argggghhh...yeah. I thought this was coming. - 26/05/2011 02:24:43 AM 939 Views
I was planning on coming in and posting this same thing. - 26/05/2011 02:11:48 AM 939 Views
Character Claims (table) - 26/05/2011 02:48:44 AM 944 Views
14 views and nobody else claimed. - 26/05/2011 07:36:02 PM 975 Views
Okay here goes. - 26/05/2011 09:32:59 PM 801 Views
We're asking identity claims, not roles. *NM* - 26/05/2011 11:24:37 PM 503 Views
Oh well there you have it anyway. - 27/05/2011 12:44:34 AM 835 Views
Hooray! Called it. - 27/05/2011 12:57:16 AM 919 Views
Re: Hooray! Called it. - 27/05/2011 01:17:37 AM 874 Views
I'm Zeno. *NM* - 27/05/2011 01:40:47 AM 544 Views
Patroclus is me. *NM* - 27/05/2011 05:58:22 AM 430 Views
I guess i'll play ball. - 28/05/2011 04:01:47 PM 869 Views
I guess i'll play ball. - 28/05/2011 04:01:47 PM 841 Views
All right - 28/05/2011 10:33:48 PM 976 Views
Re: All right - 28/05/2011 11:03:26 PM 1137 Views
Re: All right - 29/05/2011 12:36:25 AM 1008 Views
Re: All right - 29/05/2011 12:42:12 AM 1090 Views
Re: All right - 31/05/2011 07:09:31 AM 939 Views
My Droid's speech-to-text is surprisingly great. - 31/05/2011 03:21:58 PM 873 Views
Oh, there's some great software for it, just useless for me - 31/05/2011 07:45:42 PM 862 Views
Heh, looks like I'm holding out for no particular reason. - 30/05/2011 07:11:21 PM 1045 Views
We weren't doing role claims. Just character... *NM* - 30/05/2011 07:33:13 PM 386 Views
Meh - 30/05/2011 08:14:48 PM 1051 Views
I'm not alone! *NM* - 30/05/2011 07:43:39 PM 412 Views
Kronin, what are we doing about Scott's continued absence? - 29/05/2011 11:38:52 PM 1020 Views
Yeah, I've been waiting on Scott's situation to resolve before doing anything - 30/05/2011 02:04:07 AM 934 Views
sames *NM* - 30/05/2011 03:53:51 AM 510 Views
Heh....oops - 30/05/2011 07:24:30 PM 1012 Views
Vote: Scott Blademaster - 30/05/2011 10:23:50 PM 1204 Views
While I generally agree with your reasoning... - 31/05/2011 12:10:35 AM 1064 Views
I believe the point of Socrates trial was that he was falsely accused - 31/05/2011 01:08:26 AM 933 Views
Re: I believe the point of Socrates trial was that he was falsely accused - 31/05/2011 01:35:31 AM 1025 Views
Re: I believe the point of Socrates trial was that he was falsely accused - 31/05/2011 03:28:20 AM 941 Views
Meh, I'm not exactly averse to lynching Scott... - 31/05/2011 05:25:14 AM 953 Views
Oh. Redundant. Yes, I get it now. - 31/05/2011 05:26:58 AM 859 Views
I occassionally do the same - 31/05/2011 06:58:47 AM 1119 Views
I was gonna do this too. - 31/05/2011 12:31:30 AM 1025 Views
Hmm... - 31/05/2011 09:30:23 PM 938 Views
Vote: Scott Blademaster *NM* - 31/05/2011 12:29:06 AM 383 Views
Sorry guys. - 31/05/2011 02:15:54 AM 977 Views
Oh. ok. Hm. - 31/05/2011 02:57:20 AM 871 Views
Re: Oh. ok. Hm. - 31/05/2011 04:09:30 AM 960 Views
Oh, okay. - 31/05/2011 05:46:38 AM 889 Views
Well, I'm still claiming an assist on that kill... - 31/05/2011 03:11:45 AM 892 Views
Fair enough. - 31/05/2011 04:05:25 AM 903 Views
It did indeed. - 31/05/2011 05:51:36 AM 916 Views
So, the way I see it, we have two (well, three) options for our lynch - 31/05/2011 04:02:14 PM 1020 Views
I'm a bit confused at the moment. - 31/05/2011 06:27:26 PM 882 Views
Scott's modkill will not end the day. - 31/05/2011 07:43:26 PM 890 Views
Right. - 31/05/2011 10:16:34 PM 1055 Views
Re: So, the way I see it, we have two (well, three) options for our lynch - 31/05/2011 08:13:17 PM 1040 Views
Responses! - 31/05/2011 10:41:38 PM 1013 Views
Re: Responses! - 01/06/2011 02:32:22 AM 849 Views
About ? - 01/06/2011 09:41:44 PM 941 Views
Huh, that was way more revealing than expected - 01/06/2011 10:30:55 PM 849 Views
It IS pretty hard to say "Oh, well he's a new player" at this point *NM* - 02/06/2011 12:40:32 AM 508 Views
That is interesting. *NM* - 02/06/2011 03:22:08 AM 502 Views
Kronin actually hasn't answered my question about last Night yet. - 02/06/2011 03:17:05 AM 841 Views
Well... - 02/06/2011 08:16:03 AM 930 Views
Re: Well... - 02/06/2011 09:05:44 PM 936 Views
I'm decently suspicious of ranagrande. - 01/06/2011 03:55:26 PM 993 Views
True- as long as DK protects you, you've got at least one more night - 01/06/2011 06:47:36 PM 916 Views
Re: True- as long as DK protects you, you've got at least one more night - 01/06/2011 08:36:40 PM 974 Views
EBWOP - 01/06/2011 08:53:48 PM 795 Views
I was going to answer! Now you don't want me to. - 02/06/2011 12:42:01 AM 846 Views
I don't think it's such a great idea Fox - 01/06/2011 08:37:12 PM 925 Views
Re: I don't think it's such a great idea Fox - 01/06/2011 08:52:28 PM 930 Views
Unfortunately, this might be the new norm for me. - 01/06/2011 08:42:04 PM 896 Views
Re: Unfortunately, this might be the new norm for me. - 01/06/2011 08:55:17 PM 835 Views
Re: Unfortunately, this might be the new norm for me. - 01/06/2011 09:15:21 PM 938 Views
Addiction - 02/06/2011 04:25:42 AM 992 Views
Hey, sorry all. - 02/06/2011 04:45:45 AM 787 Views
No questions in particular - 02/06/2011 05:10:52 AM 794 Views
Regarding Scott's modkill - 02/06/2011 05:25:24 AM 855 Views
That's what it seems like after looking at it again. - 03/06/2011 12:35:31 AM 937 Views
^This. Again, my bad. It's been busy here. *NM* - 05/06/2011 03:12:16 AM 497 Views
Thoughts - 02/06/2011 05:09:37 AM 985 Views
beetnemesis: Not that useful, but he tries hard! - 02/06/2011 05:32:49 AM 1000 Views
- 03/06/2011 12:48:41 AM 876 Views
I meant that in the best possible way - 03/06/2011 02:46:54 AM 932 Views
So couple of things: - 02/06/2011 09:05:16 AM 914 Views
Re: So couple of things: - 02/06/2011 02:22:11 PM 804 Views
I am Helen, BOW BEFORE MY RADIANCE - 02/06/2011 04:45:57 PM 741 Views
Bit of a problem with that theory - 02/06/2011 09:01:48 PM 897 Views
Well, basically DK's "Thoughts" post sums up my thoughts pretty well. - 03/06/2011 01:34:52 AM 885 Views
Yeah, he seems to be prime suspect. - 03/06/2011 12:48:30 PM 875 Views
I will also Vote: ? - 04/06/2011 01:56:32 AM 872 Views
Hold off now everyone. We don't want him accidentally lynched. *NM* - 04/06/2011 03:14:43 AM 439 Views
Re: Hold off now everyone. We don't want him accidentally lynched. - 04/06/2011 12:18:53 PM 934 Views
Re: Hold off now everyone. We don't want him accidentally lynched. - 04/06/2011 02:28:49 PM 911 Views
True facts. - 04/06/2011 04:04:54 PM 963 Views
RBIRL - 03/06/2011 08:20:38 AM 866 Views
I am ?'s Mason Partner. - 04/06/2011 06:44:26 PM 937 Views
I'll Unvote for right now *NM* - 04/06/2011 06:50:11 PM 505 Views
I am itching to vote for him right now. - 04/06/2011 07:01:34 PM 863 Views
I figured you guys were linked - 04/06/2011 07:20:55 PM 839 Views
In my opinion that doesn't help him at all. - 04/06/2011 07:41:00 PM 972 Views
Yeah, - 04/06/2011 08:55:58 PM 832 Views
On the other hand, Gher seems like he'd be legit - 04/06/2011 09:13:57 PM 911 Views
I don't think there's much point in waiting on ? anymore - 04/06/2011 09:31:26 PM 961 Views
I do agree...BUUUUTTTT - 04/06/2011 09:58:09 PM 841 Views
Go ahead and wait till tomorrow - 04/06/2011 10:01:35 PM 833 Views
Re: Go ahead and wait till tomorrow - 04/06/2011 10:09:15 PM 1064 Views
Actually, Vote: ?, apparently only has 2 votes on him - 04/06/2011 09:59:04 PM 839 Views
The various claims to date - 04/06/2011 11:21:15 PM 903 Views
Vote: ? - 05/06/2011 12:56:57 AM 956 Views
? has been Lynched. - 05/06/2011 03:17:50 AM 863 Views
Twilight - 05/06/2011 08:42:02 PM 956 Views
Re: Twilight - 05/06/2011 09:13:07 PM 873 Views
Scott, being dead, was not included in the VNTL. *NM* - 05/06/2011 10:26:22 PM 506 Views
I think he meant 'what was Scott?' *NM* - 06/06/2011 12:27:07 AM 523 Views
That's it. *NM* - 06/06/2011 12:52:55 AM 487 Views
Oh, that. I'll edit it in. *NM* - 06/06/2011 08:21:56 PM 318 Views
I suppose this place is as good as any to say, Happy Birthday Gher! *NM* - 06/06/2011 08:26:56 PM 467 Views
Woooooo!! Happy birthday!!!!!! *NM* - 06/06/2011 08:38:12 PM 480 Views
Happy birthday *NM* - 06/06/2011 08:45:00 PM 521 Views
Happy birthday!! *NM* - 07/06/2011 12:14:59 AM 419 Views
Happy birthday! *NM* - 07/06/2011 03:42:01 AM 471 Views
Thanks guys. *NM* - 08/06/2011 06:09:20 PM 527 Views

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