For a discussion of how Auctions work, see the Auctions Section of the rules. Here we will briefly go over how Auction items are selected for each round, followed by the tables used to generate them, a player does not need to know these tables but they may permit some loose prediction.
First, things show up on the Auctions in 4 ways. They come on a Crisis Event, they are sold by a player, they are one of the "Mod's Choice", or they are randomly picked on the table. Each round the Mod get's a few picks to be used to redress statistical imbalance that has turned grossly against a player or players or for Flavor or to award Prestige VP, there is no set number of Mod Choices but assume roughly 1 for each 3 players or so per round. The biggest category is the Random Item, of which a d6 is rolled for each player in the game, and the sum of those items, say 7d6 for 7 players, is the number of random items, each gets a 1d100 roll on the below table. It should be noted that players are never entitled to know where why an item is up for auction, mod choice, random, player sold, or Crisis.
Special Note: During the first 2 rounds of play the random value selected for items is not P#d6 (P# = number of players) but P#d6-P#, the Empire is more stable early on, as the early pirate raids and Crises take their toll more people are looking to sell assets. Additionally the Mod Choice is limited to minor flavor items, there is no gross de-balance to be corrected or prestige VP to be sold off. So in Round 1 of a 7 player game, the random items would be 7d7-7 or average of 14 random items, the first two rounds will generally feature about 3 items per player, later rounds this will tend to increase to 4.
On the below table, after around 70, you will notice things like '2 Heroes' or "3 militia", with the exception of mercenary bands which sells as a group like CHOAM Stock does, these indicate individual items that would be sold, so that "3 militia" would generate 3 individual offerings of militia. As you can see many Standard Assets have an option to come into play with a unit, or even 2, of militia on them. Remember that those are permanently assigned, and belong to the owner of the Location, and can be regenerated for a cost if destroyed. Miscellaneous Items tend to be things like "Shield Generator - permanently assign to a hero, treats a killed result as wounded" or "Smuggler operation: Investor sought, generates 2d6x100 MS next round". You will also see 'Outcry', this generates a re-roll and the selected item becomes an Outcry Auction. Schools, attribute adjustments, and Unique Locations are automatically re-rolled until they enter play. Schools enter play in Round 2, and offer a Intro and Advanced Course, each for bid. Intro Courses allow anyone with an attribute score of 1 or 2 to increase their score by one, Advanced allow a score of 3 to increase to a 4. To go to a 5 in any attribute can be done by attending a School at a 4 twice or by using an Attribute Adjustment, which raises any single attribute by 1 point. Getting a 5 is hard. The School: Any option simply releases 1 Intro and Advanced Course for each score. These are all sold individually, players pay an outrageous tuition to train under one of the 3 Primary NPCs in the game. Schools come into play starting Round 2, Unique Locations come into play as soon as the first Major Crisis arrives. Lastly, Secret Auctions generate a re-roll to select an item, and 1d6+1 players are randomly selected to receive a SecCom and can bid on the item, not knowing who are how many other people are bidding.
Lastly, as there are three Auction Phases, distribution to these - Early, Late, and Full - is semi-random to produce a clean distribution that also hides items auctioned by players through CHOAM. Everything to be auctioned in a phase is randomly ordered.
Random Item for Auction Table
1 Agricultural Fief
2 Agricultural Fief
3 Agricultural Fief
4 Agricultural Fief
5 Agricultural Fief
6 Agricultural Fief - 1 Militia
7 Agricultural Fief - 1 Militia
8 Agricultural Fief - 2 Militia
9 Ore Mine
10 Ore Mine
11 Ore Mine
12 Ore Mine
13 Ore Mine
14 Ore Mine - 1 Militia
15 Ore Mine - 2 Militia
16 Ore Mine - 1 Militia
17 Gem Mine
18 Gem Mine
19 Gem Mine
20 Gem Mine
21 Gem Mine
22 Gem Mine - 1 Militia
23 Gem Mine - 1 Militia
24 Gem Mine - 2 Militia
25 Manufacturing Facility
26 Manufacturing Facility
27 Manufacturing Facility
28 Manufacturing Facility
29 Manufacturing Facility
30 Manufacturing Facility - 1 Militia
31 Manufacturing Facility - 1 Militia
32 Manufacturing Facility - 2 Militia
33 Weapons Factory
34 Weapons Factory
35 Weapons Factory
36 Weapons Factory - 1 Militia
37 Weapons Factory - 1 Militia
38 Spaceport
39 Spaceport
40 Spaceport
41 Spaceport - 1 Militia
42 Spaceport - 1 Militia
43 Luxury Good: Spice
44 Luxury Good: Spice
45 Luxury Good: Semuta
46 Luxury Good: Semuta
47 Luxury Good: Sapho Juice
48 Luxury Good: Sapho Juice
49 Luxury Good: Soostones
50 Luxury Good: Soostones
51 5 CHOAM Stock
52 5 CHOAM Stock
53 6 CHOAM Stock
54 6 CHOAM Stock
55 7 CHOAM Stock
56 7 CHOAM Stock
57 8 CHOAM Stock
58 8 CHOAM Stock
59 9 CHOAM Stock
60 9 CHOAM Stock
61 10 CHOAM Stock
62 10 CHOAM Stock
63 Poor Planet
64 Poor Planet - 1 Militia
65 Average Planet
66 Average Planet - 1 Militia
67 Rich Planet - 1 Militia
68 1 Militia Unit
69 1 Militia Unit
70 2 Militia Unit
71 2 Militia Unit
72 3 Militia Unit
73 3 Militia Unit
74 Mercenary Band - 1 Legion
75 Mercenary Band - Elite
76 Mercenary Band - Special
77 1 Legion Upgrade Token
78 2 Legion Upgrade Token
79 3 Legion Upgrade Token
80 Hero
81 Hero
82 2 Heroes
83 2 Heroes
84 Weak Elector
85 Average Elector
86 Minor Miscellanous
87 Minor Miscellanous
88 Major Miscellanous
89 Attribute Adjustment
90 School: Any
91 School: Diplomatic
92 School: Combat
93 School: Intrigue
94 Re-Roll as Outcry Auction
95 Re-Roll as Outcry Auction
96 Re-Roll as Outcry Auction
97 Re-Roll as Secret Auction
98 Re-Roll as Secret Auction
99 Unique Location
100 Unique Location
First, things show up on the Auctions in 4 ways. They come on a Crisis Event, they are sold by a player, they are one of the "Mod's Choice", or they are randomly picked on the table. Each round the Mod get's a few picks to be used to redress statistical imbalance that has turned grossly against a player or players or for Flavor or to award Prestige VP, there is no set number of Mod Choices but assume roughly 1 for each 3 players or so per round. The biggest category is the Random Item, of which a d6 is rolled for each player in the game, and the sum of those items, say 7d6 for 7 players, is the number of random items, each gets a 1d100 roll on the below table. It should be noted that players are never entitled to know where why an item is up for auction, mod choice, random, player sold, or Crisis.
Special Note: During the first 2 rounds of play the random value selected for items is not P#d6 (P# = number of players) but P#d6-P#, the Empire is more stable early on, as the early pirate raids and Crises take their toll more people are looking to sell assets. Additionally the Mod Choice is limited to minor flavor items, there is no gross de-balance to be corrected or prestige VP to be sold off. So in Round 1 of a 7 player game, the random items would be 7d7-7 or average of 14 random items, the first two rounds will generally feature about 3 items per player, later rounds this will tend to increase to 4.
On the below table, after around 70, you will notice things like '2 Heroes' or "3 militia", with the exception of mercenary bands which sells as a group like CHOAM Stock does, these indicate individual items that would be sold, so that "3 militia" would generate 3 individual offerings of militia. As you can see many Standard Assets have an option to come into play with a unit, or even 2, of militia on them. Remember that those are permanently assigned, and belong to the owner of the Location, and can be regenerated for a cost if destroyed. Miscellaneous Items tend to be things like "Shield Generator - permanently assign to a hero, treats a killed result as wounded" or "Smuggler operation: Investor sought, generates 2d6x100 MS next round". You will also see 'Outcry', this generates a re-roll and the selected item becomes an Outcry Auction. Schools, attribute adjustments, and Unique Locations are automatically re-rolled until they enter play. Schools enter play in Round 2, and offer a Intro and Advanced Course, each for bid. Intro Courses allow anyone with an attribute score of 1 or 2 to increase their score by one, Advanced allow a score of 3 to increase to a 4. To go to a 5 in any attribute can be done by attending a School at a 4 twice or by using an Attribute Adjustment, which raises any single attribute by 1 point. Getting a 5 is hard. The School: Any option simply releases 1 Intro and Advanced Course for each score. These are all sold individually, players pay an outrageous tuition to train under one of the 3 Primary NPCs in the game. Schools come into play starting Round 2, Unique Locations come into play as soon as the first Major Crisis arrives. Lastly, Secret Auctions generate a re-roll to select an item, and 1d6+1 players are randomly selected to receive a SecCom and can bid on the item, not knowing who are how many other people are bidding.
Lastly, as there are three Auction Phases, distribution to these - Early, Late, and Full - is semi-random to produce a clean distribution that also hides items auctioned by players through CHOAM. Everything to be auctioned in a phase is randomly ordered.
Random Item for Auction Table
1 Agricultural Fief
2 Agricultural Fief
3 Agricultural Fief
4 Agricultural Fief
5 Agricultural Fief
6 Agricultural Fief - 1 Militia
7 Agricultural Fief - 1 Militia
8 Agricultural Fief - 2 Militia
9 Ore Mine
10 Ore Mine
11 Ore Mine
12 Ore Mine
13 Ore Mine
14 Ore Mine - 1 Militia
15 Ore Mine - 2 Militia
16 Ore Mine - 1 Militia
17 Gem Mine
18 Gem Mine
19 Gem Mine
20 Gem Mine
21 Gem Mine
22 Gem Mine - 1 Militia
23 Gem Mine - 1 Militia
24 Gem Mine - 2 Militia
25 Manufacturing Facility
26 Manufacturing Facility
27 Manufacturing Facility
28 Manufacturing Facility
29 Manufacturing Facility
30 Manufacturing Facility - 1 Militia
31 Manufacturing Facility - 1 Militia
32 Manufacturing Facility - 2 Militia
33 Weapons Factory
34 Weapons Factory
35 Weapons Factory
36 Weapons Factory - 1 Militia
37 Weapons Factory - 1 Militia
38 Spaceport
39 Spaceport
40 Spaceport
41 Spaceport - 1 Militia
42 Spaceport - 1 Militia
43 Luxury Good: Spice
44 Luxury Good: Spice
45 Luxury Good: Semuta
46 Luxury Good: Semuta
47 Luxury Good: Sapho Juice
48 Luxury Good: Sapho Juice
49 Luxury Good: Soostones
50 Luxury Good: Soostones
51 5 CHOAM Stock
52 5 CHOAM Stock
53 6 CHOAM Stock
54 6 CHOAM Stock
55 7 CHOAM Stock
56 7 CHOAM Stock
57 8 CHOAM Stock
58 8 CHOAM Stock
59 9 CHOAM Stock
60 9 CHOAM Stock
61 10 CHOAM Stock
62 10 CHOAM Stock
63 Poor Planet
64 Poor Planet - 1 Militia
65 Average Planet
66 Average Planet - 1 Militia
67 Rich Planet - 1 Militia
68 1 Militia Unit
69 1 Militia Unit
70 2 Militia Unit
71 2 Militia Unit
72 3 Militia Unit
73 3 Militia Unit
74 Mercenary Band - 1 Legion
75 Mercenary Band - Elite
76 Mercenary Band - Special
77 1 Legion Upgrade Token
78 2 Legion Upgrade Token
79 3 Legion Upgrade Token
80 Hero
81 Hero
82 2 Heroes
83 2 Heroes
84 Weak Elector
85 Average Elector
86 Minor Miscellanous
87 Minor Miscellanous
88 Major Miscellanous
89 Attribute Adjustment
90 School: Any
91 School: Diplomatic
92 School: Combat
93 School: Intrigue
94 Re-Roll as Outcry Auction
95 Re-Roll as Outcry Auction
96 Re-Roll as Outcry Auction
97 Re-Roll as Secret Auction
98 Re-Roll as Secret Auction
99 Unique Location
100 Unique Location
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
Dune: Rules and Registration
28/12/2010 09:36:17 PM
Rules: Table of Contents
28/12/2010 09:37:07 PM
Core Rules
28/12/2010 09:37:59 PM
28/12/2010 09:38:25 PM
Appendix G: Auction Tables
04/01/2011 09:21:12 PM
Factions have been sent out, quick note
29/12/2010 10:50:47 PM
Can we delay this a little bit past the 2nd?
01/01/2011 05:12:40 AM
What's 'a little'? *NM*
01/01/2011 06:50:34 PM