Quick Sidenote: I totally forgot to post the Stuff on Random Attacks and Gossip, that's up now, but might get a tweak since I didn't scrutinize it quite as closely
No, but the same Crisis can come back up the next round. You'll see Looming Crisis come up a day or two before a round ends and one of them could be identical to the current one, particularly until I've had a chance to make up more. The flavor would probably be different but the game aims for continuity so the new crisis might be written up as a sort of 'consequence' of the last one, it isn't, they are random, but Riots on Vega doesn't sounds as good as "Because the Landsdraad voted let House Blah strip mine a memorial on Deneb, riots have erupted there", otherwise crises are just the current round.
You can't move one, you buy them with their location secret and you find it out. The elector lives at their own capital and spends most of their time there. Heroes can move, Electors can't. Let me know if I made a mistake in the rules or theres an ambiguous passage, I expect there are several.
Yep, the two Perks on that just get to double the odds, or triple them, they might both pick the same thing on accident or on purpose.
You'll only know Bob is in the game - to start - and you can make some fairly decent guesses about who he isn't based on his Base Vote. If someone starts out with the max or min votes, 12 and 5, you know what their Diplo and Intrigue scores had to be and can pair it down to the three factions that have those stats, but short of a Curb Stomp House Raid or a Gather Intel on Player success you don't know their Faction for sure. You can tell people what your Faction is or what someone's faction is but they might decide you're lying. Nobody knows which Factions are in the game, besides their own, though I assume by the time Severe Crises start popping up everyone would know. Deduction is your friend, faction goals are public, lots of actions show up through Gossip, you can probably piece it together.
Yeah, I tried to avoid acronym-itis, they will get used once everyone has adjusted I'm sure. Glad to here it wasn't too arcane or tl;dr, that was my biggest concern. Hope everyone enjoys it, Factions are already assigned but won't go out until later tonight
Do crisis effects ever last more than one turn?
No, but the same Crisis can come back up the next round. You'll see Looming Crisis come up a day or two before a round ends and one of them could be identical to the current one, particularly until I've had a chance to make up more. The flavor would probably be different but the game aims for continuity so the new crisis might be written up as a sort of 'consequence' of the last one, it isn't, they are random, but Riots on Vega doesn't sounds as good as "Because the Landsdraad voted let House Blah strip mine a memorial on Deneb, riots have erupted there", otherwise crises are just the current round.
If you move an elector, I assume its milita move with it?
You can't move one, you buy them with their location secret and you find it out. The elector lives at their own capital and spends most of their time there. Heroes can move, Electors can't. Let me know if I made a mistake in the rules or theres an ambiguous passage, I expect there are several.
The pro tem crisis slot (and the Directorate one): Essentially, they just make it twice as likely that their chosen crisis will occur, right? a 2/6 chance instead of a 1/6
Yep, the two Perks on that just get to double the odds, or triple them, they might both pick the same thing on accident or on purpose.
I believe this is said somewhere, but not sure where. How much info do we know about each other? Like, will I know that Bob is Space Guild? Or will I only know that the Space Guild is in the game, and Bob is in the game, but won't know they're linked?
You'll only know Bob is in the game - to start - and you can make some fairly decent guesses about who he isn't based on his Base Vote. If someone starts out with the max or min votes, 12 and 5, you know what their Diplo and Intrigue scores had to be and can pair it down to the three factions that have those stats, but short of a Curb Stomp House Raid or a Gather Intel on Player success you don't know their Faction for sure. You can tell people what your Faction is or what someone's faction is but they might decide you're lying. Nobody knows which Factions are in the game, besides their own, though I assume by the time Severe Crises start popping up everyone would know. Deduction is your friend, faction goals are public, lots of actions show up through Gossip, you can probably piece it together.
(PS this looks awesome. And thanks for cutting down on the acronyms. A master list of them all might come in handy, but for the most part, it wasn't too hard to follow. Once I'd read EVERYTHING, anyway)
Yeah, I tried to avoid acronym-itis, they will get used once everyone has adjusted I'm sure. Glad to here it wasn't too arcane or tl;dr, that was my biggest concern. Hope everyone enjoys it, Factions are already assigned but won't go out until later tonight
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
Dune: Rules and Registration
28/12/2010 09:36:17 PM
Rules: Table of Contents
28/12/2010 09:37:07 PM
Core Rules
28/12/2010 09:37:59 PM
A few questions:
29/12/2010 03:35:04 PM
A few answers
29/12/2010 06:01:51 PM
Factions have been sent out, quick note
29/12/2010 10:50:47 PM
Can we delay this a little bit past the 2nd?
01/01/2011 05:12:40 AM
What's 'a little'? *NM*
01/01/2011 06:50:34 PM