If your not a regular on the RPG board you will probably want to scan the rules before play, and there are a few terms you should probably know.
NB - NB, or Noteboard, is the sites internal messaging service, you can see this on the bar under the web page's title, on the mid right, to the left of where the date and time are displayed. You can send messages to any user in by clicking on the Noteboard link and clicking the "Send New Note" link, then typing the name of the person you want to send it to in the 'To' box, and placing your text in the title and body boxes. You can address more than one person with the same message by simply adding another name to each line of the 'To' box. If you receive a NB, and you will receive one from the mod within a day or so of registering, it will display next to the 'Noteboard: #' at the top of the web page on any page on this site. You can also click the hyperlink to the immediate right of anyone's name at the top of any post they have written, which appears as a small note with a pin sticking into it.
Mod - Mod is used as short for Moderator, and is the term used to describe whoever is running a game here on the board, they usually are not a player in that game
1d6 - In gamer shorthand 1d6 is short for 1 regular six sided die. 2d6 would refer to two dice, or rather, the sum of their rolls. 1d20 would refer to a 20-sided die, 1d10 a 10-sided die, etc. You will often see 2d6+5, for instance, meaning the sum of two dice plus five, or if your rolled a 3 and 6, 3+6+5 or 14. In this game, players never roll any dice and they are used strictly by the mod and listed so that players can have an idea what the range of results would be.
MS - This game only, refers to Mega-Solaris, or 1 million solaris, the solaris is the dollar or euro or 'gold piece or 'credit' for the game, based of the Dune book, where at one point the characters are told that the planet of Dune yielded a revenue of 10 billion solaris a year and this was in context a huge amount of money for a group who roughly parallel the players. In this game, that would be 10,000 MS, roughly what players start with and a little over double their initial annual income. For a loose modern value, 1 MS is probably about 1-10 billion dollars. and the assets aren't referring to a small mine, for instance, but something akin to the entire Appalachians and the mines there, or for a factory, the factories in Detroit, and 'Agricultural fief' doesn't refer to a farm, but something like Iowa or Kansas.
Posting - If you're not a RPG board regular you probably are a site regular, but either way, this site uses what is called 'Nested threads', where replies to a post appear indented underneath the post, and replies to them do the same. The board displays threads, this is the Rules & Registration thread, a new thread will start for each round. Typically replies inside those are also called threads, if they are direct replies to the 'main thread', but I tend to refer to them as sub-threads. Because each reply indents, we get what is called 'horizontal scroll', a rarity in most parts of this site but a recurring problem on the RPG board, we try to avoid this, and it usually starts happening when the 'reply to a reply to a reply to a reply' starts getting over a dozen or so. Should you need to reply to a post that is at the end of one of these chains it will cause a horizontal scroll par to appear on the page and it makes the thread rather unmanageable, one avoids horizontal scroll by replying to the message as a new sub-thread and title it something like 'Re: Bob' if Bob was the last person you were replying to.
Admin - Each board here at RAFO has an admin, a user who is nominally in charge of that board, the one for the RPG board is Fanatic-Templar. The RPG board is generally troll free and courteous, but for any problems not directly related to the game, he is your contact. For any in game problems or questions, NB the mod, or post a reply to the game thread with 'Qesiton for Mod' or similar.
Editing Messages - In general editing messages in a game, even for spelling errors, is discouraged or forbidden, except to create tables and for the game's mod. In this game, players edit messages by replying to their own message with 'EBWOP', or 'Edit by way of post' and including the corrections. For obvious reasons the board frowns on unintelligible posts and Grammar Nazis.
Posting off-topic - This is usually frowned on, though done by everyone, you'll get used to what and how much is okay fairly quickly, but initially just don't post anything that isn't game related.
NB - NB, or Noteboard, is the sites internal messaging service, you can see this on the bar under the web page's title, on the mid right, to the left of where the date and time are displayed. You can send messages to any user in by clicking on the Noteboard link and clicking the "Send New Note" link, then typing the name of the person you want to send it to in the 'To' box, and placing your text in the title and body boxes. You can address more than one person with the same message by simply adding another name to each line of the 'To' box. If you receive a NB, and you will receive one from the mod within a day or so of registering, it will display next to the 'Noteboard: #' at the top of the web page on any page on this site. You can also click the hyperlink to the immediate right of anyone's name at the top of any post they have written, which appears as a small note with a pin sticking into it.
Mod - Mod is used as short for Moderator, and is the term used to describe whoever is running a game here on the board, they usually are not a player in that game
1d6 - In gamer shorthand 1d6 is short for 1 regular six sided die. 2d6 would refer to two dice, or rather, the sum of their rolls. 1d20 would refer to a 20-sided die, 1d10 a 10-sided die, etc. You will often see 2d6+5, for instance, meaning the sum of two dice plus five, or if your rolled a 3 and 6, 3+6+5 or 14. In this game, players never roll any dice and they are used strictly by the mod and listed so that players can have an idea what the range of results would be.
MS - This game only, refers to Mega-Solaris, or 1 million solaris, the solaris is the dollar or euro or 'gold piece or 'credit' for the game, based of the Dune book, where at one point the characters are told that the planet of Dune yielded a revenue of 10 billion solaris a year and this was in context a huge amount of money for a group who roughly parallel the players. In this game, that would be 10,000 MS, roughly what players start with and a little over double their initial annual income. For a loose modern value, 1 MS is probably about 1-10 billion dollars. and the assets aren't referring to a small mine, for instance, but something akin to the entire Appalachians and the mines there, or for a factory, the factories in Detroit, and 'Agricultural fief' doesn't refer to a farm, but something like Iowa or Kansas.
Posting - If you're not a RPG board regular you probably are a site regular, but either way, this site uses what is called 'Nested threads', where replies to a post appear indented underneath the post, and replies to them do the same. The board displays threads, this is the Rules & Registration thread, a new thread will start for each round. Typically replies inside those are also called threads, if they are direct replies to the 'main thread', but I tend to refer to them as sub-threads. Because each reply indents, we get what is called 'horizontal scroll', a rarity in most parts of this site but a recurring problem on the RPG board, we try to avoid this, and it usually starts happening when the 'reply to a reply to a reply to a reply' starts getting over a dozen or so. Should you need to reply to a post that is at the end of one of these chains it will cause a horizontal scroll par to appear on the page and it makes the thread rather unmanageable, one avoids horizontal scroll by replying to the message as a new sub-thread and title it something like 'Re: Bob' if Bob was the last person you were replying to.
Admin - Each board here at RAFO has an admin, a user who is nominally in charge of that board, the one for the RPG board is Fanatic-Templar. The RPG board is generally troll free and courteous, but for any problems not directly related to the game, he is your contact. For any in game problems or questions, NB the mod, or post a reply to the game thread with 'Qesiton for Mod' or similar.
Editing Messages - In general editing messages in a game, even for spelling errors, is discouraged or forbidden, except to create tables and for the game's mod. In this game, players edit messages by replying to their own message with 'EBWOP', or 'Edit by way of post' and including the corrections. For obvious reasons the board frowns on unintelligible posts and Grammar Nazis.
Posting off-topic - This is usually frowned on, though done by everyone, you'll get used to what and how much is okay fairly quickly, but initially just don't post anything that isn't game related.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
This message last edited by Isaac on 29/12/2010 at 12:51:15 AM
Dune: Rules and Registration
28/12/2010 09:36:17 PM
Rules: Table of Contents
28/12/2010 09:37:07 PM
28/12/2010 09:37:36 PM
I'm new to the RPG Board
28/12/2010 10:03:42 PM
Core Rules
28/12/2010 09:37:59 PM
Factions have been sent out, quick note
29/12/2010 10:50:47 PM
Can we delay this a little bit past the 2nd?
01/01/2011 05:12:40 AM
What's 'a little'? *NM*
01/01/2011 06:50:34 PM