I read all the Dune books, but it was a WHILE ago... and I haven't read any of the new stuff with the author's son. I can remember the general plot, and some of the worldbuilding details, but I don't think I can remember a single character's name other than Muad'dib.
Eesh, this sounds complicated. I'm sure it'll be awesome, though. Minor clarification- are we all going to have different Victory Conditions? Or is it going to be like Mafia, where most people have "kill all the mafia" as a VC, and only a few people will have something special.
Eesh, this sounds complicated. I'm sure it'll be awesome, though. Minor clarification- are we all going to have different Victory Conditions? Or is it going to be like Mafia, where most people have "kill all the mafia" as a VC, and only a few people will have something special.
I amuse myself.
Upcoming New Game: Dune (Update)
16/12/2010 08:08:50 AM
I'm totally in.
16/12/2010 03:12:41 PM