Registration - 11
Hobo - 100
Darth Katie -103
BlackAdder - 123
Amys 104*
Kronin al'Sulc -101
Fox and Ravens - 125
LadyLorraine - 96
Beetnemesis -114
? - 105
Blaine - 137
So Hobo is 2nd lowest, keeps cash, Lady Lorraine is lowest and loses round 2
Kronin al'Sulc - 899
Hobo - 898
Beetnemesis - 785
Amys - 783
? - 765
BlackAdder - 726
Fox and Ravens - 724
Darth Katie - 684
Blaine - 611
Deadline: Monday, 11 PM EST
Handy Note by the way, very cool function in excel I wish I'd remembered last game called "Concatenate"
Long side note on adjusted random role method
Under the 'common-sense shall prevail' justification I'm altering random rolls to be 1dx+1dY where X and Y are the lowest and highest bids respectively, this generates a much more sane curve than the purely random to max total one used in the rules where I lifted this game from. This still leaves a high (actually higher) chance of a player bidding lowest most rounds, but keeps bids inside a 'sane norm', i.e. a bid a player might actually make. Also adjusted, a second missed roll still forfeits out of the game but will now do so as the lowest bid, seems no point in ejecting two players from a round, except in case of a tie for lowest. For both X and Y (in this case 96 and 137) it will be actual submitted bids, in case two people need random results. For those who don't know the temrinolgy, a 1dX would be one dice with X sides, a normal cube dice being a d6, 2d6 being two dice, etc.
Hobo - 100
Darth Katie -103
BlackAdder - 123
Amys 104*
Kronin al'Sulc -101
Fox and Ravens - 125
LadyLorraine - 96
Beetnemesis -114
? - 105
Blaine - 137
So Hobo is 2nd lowest, keeps cash, Lady Lorraine is lowest and loses round 2
Kronin al'Sulc - 899
Hobo - 898
Beetnemesis - 785
Amys - 783
? - 765
BlackAdder - 726
Fox and Ravens - 724
Darth Katie - 684
Blaine - 611
Deadline: Monday, 11 PM EST
Handy Note by the way, very cool function in excel I wish I'd remembered last game called "Concatenate"
Long side note on adjusted random role method
Under the 'common-sense shall prevail' justification I'm altering random rolls to be 1dx+1dY where X and Y are the lowest and highest bids respectively, this generates a much more sane curve than the purely random to max total one used in the rules where I lifted this game from. This still leaves a high (actually higher) chance of a player bidding lowest most rounds, but keeps bids inside a 'sane norm', i.e. a bid a player might actually make. Also adjusted, a second missed roll still forfeits out of the game but will now do so as the lowest bid, seems no point in ejecting two players from a round, except in case of a tie for lowest. For both X and Y (in this case 96 and 137) it will be actual submitted bids, in case two people need random results. For those who don't know the temrinolgy, a 1dX would be one dice with X sides, a normal cube dice being a d6, 2d6 being two dice, etc.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
Coin Game 2 (Ended)
29/09/2010 02:51:30 AM
I'm in! (Though I feel bad for you having to be GM again) *NM*
29/09/2010 08:08:43 PM
Its not too time consuming
29/09/2010 09:20:33 PM
Round 3
03/10/2010 04:52:58 AM
Final Results - Hobo is the Victor
18/10/2010 03:59:03 AM
Anyone up for another game?
20/10/2010 07:09:38 PM