Active Users:546 Time:11/03/2025 04:26:46 AM
There's a second half to that too Isaac Send a noteboard - 30/06/2010 07:12:37 AM
Any lynch will involve more than half the town, with a lot of information thrown out by the people pressing or opposing the lynch. This can be used to divine those players' intentions.

With a night kill, there is no information. We don't even know if the person was killed by a vigilante, a serial killer, the mafia, or someone else.

With a vig night 1 kill, we tend to assume TANK-F, but if it doesn't happen till night 2, a later vig claim is more believable.

Plus of course there's the judgement factor, a lot of people who become firmly convinced someone is a DF on day 1 are in orbit, because typically if there was real evidence for it they would have been lynched. Now, a vig would have had a good case to whack Artsapat, for instance, or pretty much any runner up for lynch where the person who got lynched didn't basically prove the runner up innocent. There's certainly cases where a night 1 vig kill is in order, I just tend not to expect better than random from them.

Better for them not to kill, but any of them should ask - especially before a night 1 kill - 'If this person is a town, can I explain my action better than as a hunch to the other townies?'
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
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RAFO Mafia 17, Day 2: Stayin' Alive - 26/06/2010 07:39:13 AM 1748 Views
Vote Table - 26/06/2010 07:40:39 AM 747 Views
Ah ah ah ah stayin' aliiiiiiiiiiiiive - 26/06/2010 03:48:30 PM 727 Views
Re: Ah ah ah ah stayin' aliiiiiiiiiiiiive - 26/06/2010 04:20:48 PM 732 Views
I was poisoned. - 26/06/2010 04:33:50 PM 785 Views
Yeah, that's interesting. - 26/06/2010 06:04:45 PM 700 Views
I as well was attacked - 26/06/2010 09:00:28 PM 812 Views
A beast? That's interesting - 26/06/2010 10:08:33 PM 742 Views
If we can identify it from a particular series, we might be able to nab the attacker. *NM* - 26/06/2010 10:14:45 PM 412 Views
Alright here is a repost of yesterday's info - 26/06/2010 10:22:58 PM 776 Views
Alright, Here comes some analysis out the wazoo. - 27/06/2010 06:35:59 PM 769 Views
I'll just say one thing - 28/06/2010 12:01:32 AM 673 Views
Well, I should pay attention. - 28/06/2010 04:48:18 AM 688 Views
Yes, it was a beast - 26/06/2010 11:19:13 PM 713 Views
Was it a werewolf? - 26/06/2010 11:30:27 PM 766 Views
No evidence to suggest it was... - 26/06/2010 11:44:35 PM 761 Views
Re: No evidence to suggest it was... - 26/06/2010 11:49:00 PM 769 Views
I know how I was saved - 27/06/2010 12:02:39 AM 817 Views
Re: I know how I was saved - 27/06/2010 12:21:59 AM 673 Views
A few ideas - 27/06/2010 12:36:45 AM 734 Views
Re: A few ideas - 27/06/2010 01:06:11 AM 692 Views
Hmm, why is that? - 27/06/2010 02:23:31 AM 755 Views
That BP is usually town? - 27/06/2010 03:13:11 AM 689 Views
Re: I know how I was saved - 27/06/2010 05:12:32 AM 747 Views
Re: I know how I was saved - 27/06/2010 05:30:29 AM 611 Views
So, I guess Kronin/Blaine should provide their info now to the questions from yesterday - 26/06/2010 05:05:17 PM 695 Views
Alright, questions. - 26/06/2010 06:04:13 PM 760 Views
You forgot HDG *NM* - 26/06/2010 11:43:40 PM 401 Views
Which is.... *NM* - 27/06/2010 12:53:22 AM 443 Views
Heroic Do Gooder *NM* - 27/06/2010 12:56:21 AM 435 Views
Yes *NM* - 27/06/2010 03:01:59 PM 408 Views
Sorry guys, but life is suddenly way busy. - 26/06/2010 09:08:19 PM 682 Views
We'll miss you - 27/06/2010 03:06:27 PM 643 Views
Going back to yesterday - 26/06/2010 10:16:23 PM 705 Views
I am still in fact suspicious of Isaac - 26/06/2010 11:21:58 PM 730 Views
damn - 26/06/2010 11:33:59 PM 785 Views
Yeah, I think he should divulge. *NM* - 27/06/2010 04:11:13 AM 381 Views
EBWOP - Elaboration. - 27/06/2010 04:12:44 AM 763 Views
FINE. FINE. FINE - 27/06/2010 12:27:33 PM 727 Views
Whyyyyyyyyyy - 27/06/2010 05:34:05 PM 686 Views
This is pretty much what I expected... - 27/06/2010 08:29:43 PM 688 Views
I'm inclined to believe his claim - 27/06/2010 11:47:29 PM 766 Views
Since no one seems to have listened to my dying shouts. - 27/06/2010 01:03:10 AM 722 Views
I hadn't really thought of that - 27/06/2010 01:31:01 AM 753 Views
Re: I hadn't really thought of that - 27/06/2010 02:08:58 AM 765 Views
Re: I hadn't really thought of that - 27/06/2010 02:45:35 AM 688 Views
That's right! You're alive again! DUDE, I am so annoyed at you! - 27/06/2010 07:22:20 AM 661 Views
Short post, with elaboration to come later. - 27/06/2010 03:00:43 PM 715 Views
Okay, elaboration time. - 27/06/2010 06:19:49 PM 711 Views
Hmm, that is a pretty bold accusation - 27/06/2010 11:55:23 PM 654 Views
Re: Okay, elaboration time. - 28/06/2010 02:39:54 AM 645 Views
Now, what I want to know. - 28/06/2010 04:47:17 AM 654 Views
Your basically wildly speculating with an assumption of guilt - 28/06/2010 06:00:53 AM 658 Views
You're not seeing my point. - 28/06/2010 05:46:59 PM 569 Views
Re: You're not seeing my point. - 28/06/2010 06:39:05 PM 692 Views
Okay, fair enough. I guess onto other points for now. - 28/06/2010 07:28:02 PM 652 Views
Then let's return to Artsapat for now - 28/06/2010 08:19:21 PM 648 Views
So, where'd the night kill go? - 28/06/2010 10:01:00 PM 607 Views
That's the question, a cult is one possibility for one of them - 29/06/2010 05:46:12 AM 691 Views
Re: That's the question, a cult is one possibility for one of them - 29/06/2010 06:16:58 AM 659 Views
Re: That's the question, a cult is one possibility for one of them - 29/06/2010 06:33:22 AM 697 Views
Re: That's the question, a cult is one possibility for one of them - 29/06/2010 06:57:08 AM 658 Views
Hypocop Table! - 27/06/2010 05:37:07 PM 700 Views
I found F-T to be Innocent *NM* - 27/06/2010 05:37:19 PM 414 Views
i found Amys to be Guilty *NM* - 27/06/2010 06:20:15 PM 435 Views
I found myself to be roleblocked, so... yeah. *NM* - 27/06/2010 08:31:37 PM 440 Views
F-T; Innocent *NM* - 27/06/2010 11:57:15 PM 376 Views
Beetnemesis innocent *NM* - 28/06/2010 03:29:18 AM 330 Views
Isaac- innocent *NM* - 28/06/2010 04:19:00 AM 400 Views
Napoleon - Innocent *NM* - 28/06/2010 04:47:01 AM 361 Views
I found I was dead. *NM* - 28/06/2010 04:47:39 AM 373 Views
Are you saying you didn't get Blaine's role until dawn? *NM* - 28/06/2010 11:59:31 AM 402 Views
Yunalesca - innocent *NM* - 28/06/2010 01:28:38 PM 385 Views
Fox - Innocent *NM* - 28/06/2010 07:44:54 PM 289 Views
Isaac is guilty... GUILTY I SAY!! Also; - 01/07/2010 05:53:17 PM 641 Views
Staying Alive indeed - 28/06/2010 12:31:47 PM 700 Views
dawn/dusk - no *NM* - 28/06/2010 03:35:59 PM 373 Views
Re: Staying Alive indeed - 28/06/2010 04:33:30 PM 653 Views
Regarding the dawn/dusk message, I must object very strongly - 28/06/2010 04:41:26 PM 647 Views
Re: Regarding the dawn/dusk message, I must object very strongly - 28/06/2010 05:26:45 PM 670 Views
I thought so, it's why I wanted to check with others *NM* - 28/06/2010 06:25:16 PM 444 Views
Well, first off, congratulations. - 28/06/2010 05:43:47 PM 651 Views
Congratulations! How wonderful - 28/06/2010 08:42:51 PM 649 Views
Congrats to you, and I shall also Vote Chair: Darth_Katie - 28/06/2010 10:15:32 PM 632 Views
Two things: - 28/06/2010 10:34:31 PM 694 Views
For what it's worth, there was a third fraction in that game though. - 28/06/2010 10:45:08 PM 699 Views
Oh, well according to him - 28/06/2010 10:55:05 PM 662 Views
Also - 28/06/2010 11:07:34 PM 595 Views
We could be dealing with just a Cult. - 28/06/2010 11:42:19 PM 671 Views
Yeah, but if we got lucky... game over on Day 1 *NM* - 29/06/2010 12:25:54 AM 394 Views
Yunalesca - innocent *NM* - 28/06/2010 12:33:03 PM 315 Views
Voting record. - 28/06/2010 10:03:33 PM 721 Views
Hey, isn't this Katie's job? *NM* - 28/06/2010 10:18:10 PM 405 Views
Hey, volunteer yourself. - 28/06/2010 10:47:22 PM 611 Views
I'll probably spew one out again - 29/06/2010 05:49:54 AM 614 Views
you guys are so slow on the uptake you know *NM* - 28/06/2010 10:43:58 PM 427 Views
What? *NM* - 28/06/2010 10:49:47 PM 372 Views
And you've only realized that now? - 28/06/2010 10:56:57 PM 618 Views
read my posts carefully - 28/06/2010 11:01:45 PM 625 Views
... - 28/06/2010 11:49:07 PM 697 Views
Okay, let's do that - 29/06/2010 06:10:28 AM 688 Views
Don't suppose you checked her posts for spoilers, did you? - 29/06/2010 07:22:13 AM 674 Views
Yes, nothing - 29/06/2010 08:20:33 AM 722 Views
*laughs helplessly* - 01/07/2010 09:21:48 AM 729 Views
I'm a bit interested in hearing from the quiet ones - 29/06/2010 07:31:32 AM 717 Views
Re: I'm a bit interested in hearing from the quiet ones - 29/06/2010 04:27:18 PM 640 Views
i confessed to being the beast *NM* - 29/06/2010 04:36:40 PM 420 Views
Well, that... doesn't sound smart. - 29/06/2010 04:48:22 PM 733 Views
I mean, this is just an obvious way to get yourself lynched. - 29/06/2010 04:48:49 PM 696 Views
I'm guessing she got bored with the game and wants us to lynch her *NM* - 29/06/2010 06:26:22 PM 436 Views
Actually I'm betting on a Buffy claim right now *NM* - 29/06/2010 06:44:54 PM 413 Views
I say we don't lynch - 29/06/2010 07:11:50 PM 703 Views
We should probably just wait for her claim *NM* - 29/06/2010 07:18:13 PM 412 Views
Oh, come on - 29/06/2010 04:50:09 PM 646 Views
Yep, now is probably a good time to Role Claim. *NM* - 29/06/2010 09:01:01 PM 426 Views
I think a few people might have intially thought that - 29/06/2010 10:25:06 PM 696 Views
Sorry. I've been so busy. - 30/06/2010 12:54:17 AM 644 Views
Re: Sorry. I've been so busy. - 30/06/2010 12:57:48 AM 748 Views
Re: Sorry. I've been so busy. - 30/06/2010 01:23:06 AM 665 Views
Then please repeat it for me. - 30/06/2010 02:08:28 AM 629 Views
I always thought it was - 30/06/2010 02:49:57 AM 666 Views
Re: I always thought it was - 30/06/2010 03:46:22 AM 652 Views
Yes, that makes more sense. - 30/06/2010 04:14:50 AM 672 Views
That whole thing would have worked if Yuna didn't have psychopathic flavortext... - 30/06/2010 04:15:01 AM 608 Views
It still worked out pretty well, as I recall. - 30/06/2010 04:30:18 AM 597 Views
I've never heard of the rule and would actually think it anti-town for the vig not to kill - 30/06/2010 04:34:10 AM 629 Views
Because it isn't like a lynch at all. - 30/06/2010 06:30:04 AM 651 Views
There's a second half to that too - 30/06/2010 07:12:37 AM 653 Views
Re: There's a second half to that too - 30/06/2010 07:21:09 PM 679 Views
the quiet ones... - 01/07/2010 09:58:52 AM 674 Views
Some advice - 01/07/2010 12:40:13 PM 607 Views
You're probably right... - 01/07/2010 01:41:13 PM 649 Views
This has definitely been going slower than normal. Hopefully it will pick up soon. - 02/07/2010 08:57:26 PM 681 Views
Always a good thing. *NM* - 03/07/2010 04:38:34 AM 326 Views
Re: the quiet ones... - 02/07/2010 08:21:48 AM 623 Views
Re: the quiet ones... - 03/07/2010 04:39:26 AM 617 Views
Does this damn thing work yet? >.< *NM* - 29/06/2010 07:36:31 PM 412 Views
Yes? *NM* - 29/06/2010 07:40:11 PM 277 Views
So, Yuna. What's your game? - 30/06/2010 04:16:28 AM 677 Views
If she's a vig, I'll be slightly disappointed - 30/06/2010 04:37:10 AM 653 Views
*laughs* - 30/06/2010 10:30:38 AM 661 Views
I don't know what kind of game you're playing. - 30/06/2010 01:11:02 PM 667 Views
Darn, I had my finger crossed for Oz, Seth Green's werewolf character in Buffy - 30/06/2010 01:46:01 PM 678 Views
Let me just say this: If she is a Jester... - 30/06/2010 04:10:23 PM 631 Views
I agree - 30/06/2010 05:20:18 PM 612 Views
It seems win-win either way - 30/06/2010 06:29:41 PM 660 Views
Screw the Jesters. - 30/06/2010 07:22:59 PM 708 Views
It's a defense against getting lynched only if we don't have any other ways of getting rid of them - 30/06/2010 09:12:09 PM 706 Views
Too much room for error, plus it leaves it open for future claims - 30/06/2010 10:04:56 PM 701 Views
I almost want to say let's just ignore her... except she apparently has a NK. Lynch her, I guess - 01/07/2010 04:10:05 AM 662 Views
Re: I almost want to say let's just ignore her... except she apparently has a NK. Lynch her, I guess - 01/07/2010 05:43:01 AM 703 Views
Jester's are awful. They ruin the game. - 01/07/2010 06:26:39 AM 706 Views
That apostrophe is driving me insane *NM* - 02/07/2010 01:51:23 AM 386 Views
I didn't want to say anything. Too bad you can't edit posts . *NM* - 02/07/2010 01:56:57 AM 272 Views
I'll allow you to edit that one if you wish to. - 02/07/2010 04:00:05 AM 650 Views
Sigh... check the history of that post for part 2 of the comedy of errors *NM* - 02/07/2010 04:12:33 AM 362 Views
Hah! Awesome *NM* - 02/07/2010 04:14:33 AM 379 Views
*giggle* *NM* - 01/07/2010 09:43:25 AM 380 Views
unfortunatly im RBIRL - 01/07/2010 10:11:22 AM 621 Views
See? It's stuff like this - 01/07/2010 04:10:41 PM 584 Views
It's the Independence Day weekend in the US, too, so - 01/07/2010 04:55:44 PM 645 Views
EBWOP: and also Artsapat! - 01/07/2010 04:57:39 PM 654 Views
I'm still here. Unfortunately... - 02/07/2010 08:30:01 AM 559 Views
It's Canada Day today! - 01/07/2010 05:44:52 PM 644 Views
any excuse for a party! *NM* - 01/07/2010 09:12:30 PM 408 Views
Testing... (Table) - 01/07/2010 05:18:38 PM 800 Views
Huzzah! - 01/07/2010 05:20:04 PM 621 Views
Anyone can do that? - 01/07/2010 05:26:48 PM 651 Views
No, guess not. - 01/07/2010 05:27:58 PM 664 Views
Re: Anyone can do that? - 01/07/2010 05:34:20 PM 662 Views
Why can you do that? - 01/07/2010 05:36:28 PM 721 Views
Re: Why can you do that? - 01/07/2010 05:42:37 PM 652 Views
hmm - 01/07/2010 05:28:35 PM 678 Views
Oh, you have to get a membership - 01/07/2010 05:36:46 PM 662 Views
Re: Oh, you have to get a membership - 01/07/2010 06:03:21 PM 781 Views
I am SO cheap. - 01/07/2010 06:42:15 PM 582 Views
I donated to the site - 02/07/2010 08:32:55 AM 634 Views
There, there. - 02/07/2010 08:39:06 PM 646 Views
This allows you to instantly defeat any moral Anakin. - 02/07/2010 09:16:13 PM 545 Views
Ah, OK - 01/07/2010 06:04:11 PM 662 Views
No luck with page anchors - 01/07/2010 06:23:44 PM 659 Views
And yeah, I will quit screwing around with it in the game - 01/07/2010 06:25:38 PM 687 Views
Darth_Katie has been elected Chair - 01/07/2010 06:07:37 PM 652 Views
Can I unvote if I want? - 01/07/2010 06:41:02 PM 583 Views
Yeah, it was advocate that couldn't undo and redo - 01/07/2010 06:44:43 PM 734 Views
So... why not just vote for Yuna and end the day? - 03/07/2010 05:56:18 AM 678 Views
I think we might've already? - 03/07/2010 06:38:55 AM 667 Views
I didn't miss them - 03/07/2010 08:14:15 AM 495 Views
You spelled her name wrong DK *NM* - 03/07/2010 11:53:02 AM 459 Views
I think you misspelled Yunalesca as Yunalesa - 03/07/2010 12:01:26 PM 726 Views
- 03/07/2010 04:21:54 PM 661 Views
Nah, I'm not that much of a stickler for spelling - 03/07/2010 05:35:16 PM 683 Views
.....? *NM* - 03/07/2010 05:50:14 PM 403 Views
Someone must have blocked her vote - 03/07/2010 07:19:50 PM 642 Views
Could be the other way 'round... - 03/07/2010 09:20:15 PM 647 Views
Re: Could be the other way 'round... - 03/07/2010 10:37:10 PM 696 Views
Just thinking aloud. - 03/07/2010 11:11:27 PM 654 Views
Understandable, I don't think this was a day action though - 03/07/2010 11:40:00 PM 606 Views
Re: Someone must have blocked her vote - 03/07/2010 10:27:52 PM 636 Views
Re: Someone must have blocked her vote - 03/07/2010 10:37:08 PM 842 Views
Re: - 03/07/2010 07:07:20 PM 636 Views
Maybe - 03/07/2010 07:19:55 PM 671 Views
Whatever happened happened between edits 5 and 6 on the vote table - 03/07/2010 07:28:33 PM 665 Views
That was actually a mistake my me - 03/07/2010 08:28:43 PM 672 Views
Let's try focusing on Yuna again, see if we can make this make sense - 04/07/2010 12:08:48 AM 665 Views
She's not answering cause she's an unstated RBIRL. - 04/07/2010 12:27:34 AM 729 Views
Re: She's not answering cause she's an unstated RBIRL. - 04/07/2010 12:58:52 AM 571 Views
Well, actually kill her. - 04/07/2010 01:04:41 AM 718 Views
Re: Well, actually kill her. - 04/07/2010 01:09:16 AM 607 Views
Yea! *NM* - 04/07/2010 01:12:06 AM 260 Views
Wait, we're still L-1 - 04/07/2010 01:12:55 AM 612 Views
That might do it - 04/07/2010 01:12:45 AM 674 Views
Anybody else maybe just want to vote to get this definitely over with? *NM* - 04/07/2010 01:33:44 AM 411 Views
I definitely don't want to vote her - 04/07/2010 04:10:07 AM 616 Views
Agreed... - 04/07/2010 05:30:31 AM 633 Views
Explain that - 04/07/2010 02:38:01 PM 700 Views
*cackles wickedly* - 06/07/2010 04:24:01 AM 641 Views
Napoleon's MIA, as far as I can tell. - 04/07/2010 02:31:38 AM 624 Views
Re: Napoleon's MIA, as far as I can tell. - 04/07/2010 03:34:55 AM 655 Views
Does it really matter if she wins? - 04/07/2010 03:39:43 AM 685 Views
Exactly *NM* - 04/07/2010 03:46:00 AM 474 Views
Re: Does it really matter if she wins? - 04/07/2010 03:57:19 AM 655 Views
It means we waste a lynch though. - 04/07/2010 04:11:50 AM 662 Views
You seem to be assuming that if she's a jester the DFs will kill her - 04/07/2010 04:20:13 AM 617 Views
I'm not assuming that - 04/07/2010 04:40:06 PM 697 Views
Ohhhhh I think I figured out what happened to me. - 04/07/2010 05:28:32 AM 709 Views
If it's a vote steal, rather than a block... - 04/07/2010 05:55:49 AM 605 Views
I think a steal makes more sense with the money transaction. - 04/07/2010 06:09:50 AM 609 Views
Don't know if that would work... - 04/07/2010 06:24:17 AM 635 Views
We could try, at least. - 04/07/2010 03:22:17 PM 648 Views
Oh sure, I agree. - 04/07/2010 06:04:20 PM 604 Views
It's Artsapat, has to be - 04/07/2010 02:32:16 PM 667 Views
I don't know anything about the Million Dollar Man - 04/07/2010 03:28:19 PM 632 Views
In one of my previous mafia games, I was a vote thief - 04/07/2010 04:50:18 PM 656 Views
That was my thought also, - 04/07/2010 06:07:49 PM 652 Views
Re: That was my thought also, - 04/07/2010 06:16:34 PM 658 Views
- 04/07/2010 06:41:56 PM 663 Views
Actually - 05/07/2010 03:46:42 PM 655 Views
I'm fairly content with that logic - 05/07/2010 04:37:41 PM 639 Views
So, once again Artsapat hammers someone who is probably town - 05/07/2010 04:40:40 PM 484 Views
So, once again Artsapat hammers someone who is probably town - 05/07/2010 04:40:40 PM 579 Views
EBWOP: Something is wrong with my mouse *NM* - 05/07/2010 04:43:03 PM 394 Views
Yeah, that sounds pretty legit. - 05/07/2010 04:54:34 PM 670 Views
Kinda overlooked the RB comment, also, you need to unvote - 05/07/2010 05:06:59 PM 704 Views
My thoughts re: Yunalesca - 04/07/2010 06:30:41 PM 671 Views
And since people love answering questions - 05/07/2010 12:33:42 AM 670 Views
Yunalesca has (almost) been lynched - 05/07/2010 06:39:39 PM 713 Views
Re: Yunalesca has (almost) been lynched - 05/07/2010 07:49:10 PM 669 Views

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