Active Users:301 Time:28/03/2025 08:00:34 AM
Re: So, is Bair Antifa? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 22/03/2025 09:55:32 AM

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My favorite WTAF moment was the way Bair broke all of those spears bundled together with one quick knee-crack. How the Aiel are such great warriors with their spaghetti spears will be a mystery for the rest of the series.

Especially the way they fight with them, holding them back near the butt, almost like swords.
On another note, it really looks like they're not going to have Saidar and Saidin, what with the changes of Mierin's statements around seeking the True Power. Not that it matters at this point, but why are the men only going mad if the One Power isn't split by gender?

On the whole, this episode was pretty damned good, all things considered. Imagine, staying true to the source material actually makes good content! I also attribute this to not having opportunities to fuck things up with woke bullshit. And where they did, it hurt the episode.

I now have some questions about how this guy is Rand's ancestor.

Right? I don't honestly think the writers know how babies are made. And I get shit for my stance on abortion?

No matter what version, freeing the Dark One is the result of progressive values, whether gender equality in the books, or socialism on the show.

You won the internet today with this comment.

I am just a humble WoT-pundit.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Season 3, episode four - 21/03/2025 04:15:04 PM 104 Views
Holy F - was this actually a good episode? - 21/03/2025 05:28:22 PM 33 Views
So, is Bair Antifa? - 21/03/2025 08:18:20 PM 31 Views
Re: So, is Bair Antifa? - 22/03/2025 09:55:32 AM 29 Views

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