Active Users:296 Time:28/03/2025 01:43:36 AM
Re: I don't mind the change with Gaebril that much. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 16/03/2025 01:11:25 PM

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But I'm actually surprised you didn't comment on Leane and Elayne both being obviously confused upon seeing him before being all smiles; it was something even I, a fan of the show, thought was particularly hamfisted. Surely people are not going to be surprised when he turns out to be Compelling people.

I thought I mentioned that. I didn't feel the need to point out the meaning, but it was pretty clear what they were doing. It was like the incongruity of Elayne & Gaebril trash-talking Galad. At first I thought it was weird, because most people like Galad, until I realized he was accommodating Elayne. But it does raise the question of why he didn't simply compel her if he wanted her to come back to Caemlyn with them. Also, IDK if them, being drinking buddies was his creation, because just about the first thing Elayne did in the Tower was set up a still in her room.
Morgase murdering her subjects in front of everyone was on par with Perrin murdering his wife in terms of weird and bad show decisions, though I'm willing to revise my opinion if it ends up being extremely meaningful at some point.

I like Aghdashloo as Elaida because I like Aghdashloo as most anything, but I cannot overemphasize how wasted she is on that role when she could have been cast as Cadsuane.

The only dissent I would make to that statement, is that Cadsuane doesn't DO much. She has the history & rep, and the occasional confrontation, but it's mostly her carefully, carefully trying to nudge Rand into the right headspace. A lot of being the support figure in Rand's character work. A. the show doesn't DO character work, at least not well, and B. there's a lot more opportunities for scheming and confrontations and scenery-chewing as Elaida. Cadsuane doesn't lose her shit that much, especially compared to Elaida.

The most important thing for both characters is that the broad & shallow end of the Fandom sees both as bad guys. I am afraid the show is going to pander to that vision, but they deserve a more sympathetic depiction and Aghdashloo can really bring the humanity to either role.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Season 3, episode two. - 16/03/2025 03:14:21 AM 103 Views
I don't mind the change with Gaebril that much. - 16/03/2025 11:49:29 AM 28 Views
Re: I don't mind the change with Gaebril that much. - 16/03/2025 01:11:25 PM 37 Views
I'd love to see a deeper Elaida. I think it's certainly possible. - 17/03/2025 02:22:34 AM 23 Views

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