Come on, Elizabeth. You know the answer. Because the Democrats have consistently portrayed themselves as the party of morality, the shining beacon of democratic order. Whereas Trump, as Dave Chappelle pointed out in a brilliant bit, openly states not only who and what he is, but who and what who and what all politicians are.
When Hillary called out the years Trump paid no taxes, he replied, that just makes me smart. He added, I took advantage of legal loopholes that you Democrats will never close because the wealthy donors who keep you in power do the exact same thing.
Facts! Politics have always been corrupt and politicians have always been for sale to the highest bidder. You said in another comment part of you wants to see the Democrats roll around in the mud too. LMAO!!! When have they not?? The answer is never.
I've never liked Joe Biden since he had to drop out of the race for the 1988 nomination for plagiarizing speeches. He was also responsible for the 1994 crime act, which Clinton signed into law, that filled prisons for minor drug offenses. But somehow he was able to cultivate the persona of a kindly grandfather figure who would save the nation from Nazi dictatorship.
Not anymore. Biden pulled back the curtain. They are all the same. Some just write better ad copy.
"Bustin' makes me feel good!"
Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.