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My thoughts damookster Send a noteboard - 25/07/2024 01:30:33 PM

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Suppose Thomas Matthew Crooks didn't miss? Would anything since then have happened?

I agree with Ghavrel. Biden would not have dropped out and the gaslighting of America and the world would continue.

Thomas Crooks would swiftly be confirmed as a lone crazy in the great tradition of the 1960s patsies. Cheatle would have still been forced to fall on her sword. Perhaps one or two others would also have been selected to serve as The Goats for Azazel.

There's no way in hell Vance would have been allowed to assume the mantle unless the Republicans decided to punt on 2024. His childless cat lady bullshit would play far worse as a Presidential candidate than it is currently playing - which is poorly.

Would there be demonstrations that turned violent? No doubt, but the double standard would be on full display. Any rioters for Trump would swiftly be branded as domestic terrorists, 180 degrees from the response when Antifa, BLM, and the current "useful idiots for Iran," do and did exactly the same. People would notice this disparity. Sadly, this would not serve to ameliorate the situation.

Unless the Republicans came up with a candidate who could successfully channel the outrage, a la the master plan in Richard Condon's brilliant The Manchurian Candidate, Biden would win and the Weekend at Bernie's Presidency would continue until decomposition rendered it impossible.



"Bustin' makes me feel good!"

Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.
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Quick question - 24/07/2024 08:01:33 PM 163 Views
Girl, I don't know. - 24/07/2024 08:33:12 PM 80 Views
Care to speculate? - 24/07/2024 08:45:57 PM 65 Views
Tenacious D would still exist... - 24/07/2024 09:04:56 PM 50 Views
Re: Tenacious D would still exist... - 24/07/2024 09:19:33 PM 48 Views
That wouldn't change - 24/07/2024 10:02:25 PM 52 Views
My thoughts - 25/07/2024 01:30:33 PM 55 Views
Biden would probably still have lost to Nikki Haley then. - 25/07/2024 01:58:30 PM 57 Views
Re: Biden would probably still have lost to Nikki Haley then. - 25/07/2024 02:02:44 PM 53 Views

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