In the US presidential election, the score is kept via electoral votes, and always has been. This is not a 'God-given' right, but a negotiated right that went into the Constitution at its inception in order to convince the small states that they would have sufficient power in the new nation to not be dominated by the larger states.
A better analogy would be, to stick with sports, that the teams are playing some weird variation with arcane rules in which one team's goals are worth more points than the other team's, yet it's impossible to change those rules or to just refuse to play, hence all the disadvantaged team can do is also mentioning what the score would be if the rules were actually fair.
Unless you think that voters in, say, Wyoming really do have a God-given right to have their vote count for more than California voters (in the electoral college itself already to a significant extent, but in the Senate and in the special House sitting in the event of an electoral college tie the lack of proportionality between states is completely obscene). Not to mention the people of Puerto Rico, American Samoa etc who simply don't get to vote for the government of their country at all, other than their non-voting representatives in Congress.