But how one can easily plot the Position (0), Velocity (1), and Acceleration (2) of an object
but the Jerk Function (3rd derivative of position in regards to time in calculus) that is when chaos / complexity starts to emerge, the bare minimum with the math.
When you can start playing tricks with the math or the senses like hitting a speed bump and you are surprised by the force of the jerk / lurch and the sudden stop or the new direction. That is chaos theory! (malcom trying to hit on a 25 year old grad student, a blonde, and she surprises him by leaping out of the jeep to pursue her true hearts desire, the dino)
In the show and obviously in the books, the problem is the planet Trisolaris is in a system with three suns. The planet cycles between stable eras and chaotic eras depending on proximity to one or more of the suns. In the chaotic eras all life is destroyed, either by heat or cold. So yes this is chaos because it is impossible to accurately predict the positions of the three suns in relation to the planet. But they have evolved ways to suspend themselves during the chaotic eras so they can rebuild once it ends. Sisyphean yes. But not the underlying theory or driver for the admittedly dark novels.
"Bustin' makes me feel good!"
Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.