Active Users:464 Time:11/03/2025 04:25:05 AM
Can't wipe your @$$ with a page ripped out of your podcast aerocontrols Send a noteboard - 08/03/2024 11:55:04 PM

No matter how much you might want to.

Real books win again!

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As harsh as this sounds, I say it kindly and from the heart: all you people who listen to audio books and claim to be "reading" are full up crap!

my audio books and podcasts are filing my cup,

they are not crap, they are paper free !

all i hear from you is (…) when I read your proclamation / that you wrote (…) while siting on the lavatory

Hollywood has the best moral compass, because it has compassion.
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CONTROVERSY! - 07/03/2024 02:57:39 PM 404 Views
Oooh, those are fighting words! - 07/03/2024 10:00:30 PM 186 Views
That's bullshit! - 08/03/2024 04:02:38 AM 168 Views
I'll participate even though I personally would never troll... - 07/03/2024 10:40:35 PM 230 Views
Fo' shizz, old dude. - 08/03/2024 04:04:12 AM 180 Views
Audiobooks are great for re-reads - 07/03/2024 11:13:16 PM 175 Views
Possibly. - 08/03/2024 04:06:40 AM 200 Views
Re: Possibly. - 08/03/2024 04:55:51 AM 171 Views
That's not controversial, that's settled science. - 08/03/2024 01:42:16 AM 192 Views
There are people I like around here who insist otherwise. - 08/03/2024 03:59:41 AM 182 Views
why are you policing my sincerity ? - 08/03/2024 09:47:38 PM 167 Views
Can't wipe your @$$ with a page ripped out of your podcast - 08/03/2024 11:55:04 PM 171 Views
Nah. - 09/03/2024 12:18:25 AM 194 Views
That's fair. - 09/03/2024 03:38:16 AM 165 Views
As long as you admit your crimes, all is forgiven. - 09/03/2024 03:52:11 AM 170 Views
Well, my conclusive answer is "it depends" - 10/03/2024 10:29:10 AM 179 Views
Oh, I never meant it was the same as watching a movie of the book. - 10/03/2024 05:31:05 PM 167 Views
Reading a book requires text to read. It is an active action. - 18/03/2024 01:21:04 PM 179 Views
It's not the same experience - 18/03/2024 01:48:00 PM 155 Views
*NM* - 18/03/2024 02:09:57 PM 73 Views
Here's something that draws me out of the book sometimes - 15/04/2024 03:50:31 PM 152 Views
It definitely isn't. - 18/03/2024 02:11:19 PM 171 Views
Oh I agree. Some others in this post dont have a basic command of the English language. - 20/03/2024 12:29:28 PM 162 Views
*NM* - 20/03/2024 01:27:38 PM 79 Views
Dude. Language persists - 20/03/2024 01:52:17 PM 164 Views

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