But my point was about the lack of free speech in our elite institutions of learning, where the speaker is more free depending on how many boxes they check on the intersectionality chart.
at the universities I have attended
and that precisely is the problem. What type of “knowledge” are we talking about?
is it the i ) life experiences where you have encountered things, or ii) knowledge we can reproduce and replicate, or iii) is it just an intuition we have? I can speak about i ) my life experience and people just will not care or they will start doubting and saying I am a liar for sometimes it challenges their iii ) intuitions of how the world works, or we have done replicable experiments ii ) but they are so limited we can not really extrapolate it to all cases. These types of knowledges (which is more than these mere 3) form a form of a “knot”
Trust and Truth is the glue that unites those 3 things … it helps us get closer and Disgust helps us create distance and gives us the space to not just assume things, to think them through. They are in a dance disgust plus trust and you can not just discover these things from first principles, no these things this trust … it is alive (some men dare say it is feminine)
It has been more than 3 generations since WW2, our cult objects are fading into the past and I am quite scared what will occur next
but this always happens and I rather be fearful and know my limits than the outrage and over the top anger some people put on for they think anger takes away fear. ( of course their is more than these two, this is language games after all )
sidenote just focusing on the top 10 or so American universities, or the top 3 French universities is literally a definition of narcissism and fetish. There is 15 million current undergrads in the US, and once you add graduate students and other post grad students, lawyers, doctors, etc, etc it becomes 19 million.