Is dealing with fantasy and not actual reality. It is a semblance, a leading intuition of how the world works.
There's nothing "rotting" about people dying in the street? There's nothing "beautiful" about a young family, enjoying each other? There's nothing "good" about a child being adopted? And nothing "bad" about a child starving to death?
It is trying to get a promise that is not a real promise, but to foreclose what one sees as disaster by arguing with one’s own mirror.
Your pardon, but the decay in the world is not some mere image in a mirror. The decay happening in the world is real, and present, and overpowering. How can you look at the horrible things in this world and say, nay, these are mere phantasms in the mist?
If this is all there is, then nothing is beyond our reach. IF this is not all there is, then those beyond our reach are also beyond our ken.
I am not so arrogant as to think my ken is all there is.
More true than you know. Everything good is because One died for us. Everything terrible is because we decided we knew better.