What should I apologize for? Stating facts? I'm sorry you don't like my phrasing.
That makes about as much sense as outlawing Christianity,
Saying... you can learn to accept yourself for who you are... is comparable to outlawing a religion?
Well then, my apologies. A "unicorn" is an example so rare as to practically not exist. Since we were going with the cancer comparison, I was comparing a unicorn teenage breast cancer victim, to the unicorn teenage social contagion trans-teenager.
You just compared "accepting yourself" to "outlawing religion".
Yeah, see, I have no issue with agreeing to disagree with you on the fundamental points, but I do have an issue with you continuing to refuse to show any respect to trans people in your word choice.
Once again, I'm sorry you don't like my "word choice", but what have I said that is incorrect? Dislike how I say something all you like, but unless I am wrong, you can kindly deal with it, or not engage with me.
I don't think that's actually true. Just because more radical voices are the loudest, doesn't mean they're the most numerous.
Oh, how I wish you were right. I saw a poll the other day, it was among Democrats, mind, and 50% of the respondents said that, yes, "adoptive parents should be required to (sterilize their adopted children) if that is what the kid wanted".
The extremists have won, when 50% of a party is totally cool with sterilizing children.
In fairness to Trump and his rabid fans, their ideology only has a single dogma, being 'Trump's ego is the only thing that matters'. Trump keeps making it abundantly clear that he couldn't care less about transgender rights, nor abortion, nor Christianity, nor respect for American institutions, nor any other major culture war issue
Yet another very important point we're in total agreement on. Fuck this guy; I wish he'd go away or go die.
Still may end up voting against Biden, at this rate.
yet his fans keep supporting him anyway, while scorning the wide variety of more genuine culture warrior options in the Republican primary. As profoundly depressing as Trump's continuing success is in so many ways, it does have some interesting implications for what the true priorities of all those 'religious Right', 'conservative Christians', 'value voters' really are, and what they are not.
A third point we agree with entirely.
I will check your link out and get back to you about it.
But not tonight.