I'm not going to reply to everything because we've gone back and forth enough on various points to make it clear we're not going to get anywhere - and because I'm finding it more and more difficult to give you the benefit of the doubt. Not that I was expecting you to apologize for your earlier remarks after I pointed out Ghav is a trans woman, but I did expect a bit more basic decency and a bit more care in your phrasing, instead of you doubling down as you did.
That makes about as much sense as outlawing Christianity, then saying 'what's the problem, those Christians should just accept that there is no God and then they can be perfectly satisfied'. I do think that generally gender identity is a more fundamental part of one's identity than religion, but presumably making it about religion would make it easier for you to understand... so, how easy do you think it would be for you to just choose to stop believing in God?
Of course, people DO sometimes lose their faith, or convert to another religion - or change their gender identity. But good luck making that happen on command, which is basically what you're doing with your 'third option'.
See link. If by 'incident' you mean 'murder', then yeah, those get a fair bit of media coverage, but it's broader than that.
Well I'm glad we agreed on something - and something important, not some minor point.
No you weren't. In a fair comparison, you wouldn't have written mocking sentences like "They feel terrible, because their friends were born in the wrong bodies, and damnit, they're special too, so they were born in the wrong body!" I'm not really sure what you meant by 'unicorns'.
Yeah, see, I have no issue with agreeing to disagree with you on the fundamental points, but I do have an issue with you continuing to refuse to show any respect to trans people in your word choice.
I don't think that's actually true. Just because more radical voices are the loudest, doesn't mean they're the most numerous.
In fairness to Trump and his rabid fans, their ideology only has a single dogma, being 'Trump's ego is the only thing that matters'. Trump keeps making it abundantly clear that he couldn't care less about transgender rights, nor abortion, nor Christianity, nor respect for American institutions, nor any other major culture war issue, yet his fans keep supporting him anyway, while scorning the wide variety of more genuine culture warrior options in the Republican primary. As profoundly depressing as Trump's continuing success is in so many ways, it does have some interesting implications for what the true priorities of all those 'religious Right', 'conservative Christians', 'value voters' really are, and what they are not.