If every abortion is the death of a child, please explain the following:
Why are these "children" being unjustly imprisoned when their mothers are in jail? Shouldn't pregnancy be a get out of jail for till delivery card? Unless you think there's something legal about children going to jail for the crimes of their parents, I'd like to know your position on this.
Are women obliged to pay for prenatal care? If they can't afford it, must the state beat the entire burden? Or should there be freedom to not make payments you don't want to, even though a "child's" life is at stake?
I have several more questions if you're willing to discuss your insistence that the fetus is a child. Somehow, though, I'm getting that you'll dodge the issue.
Semantics. "I don't hate it, I just strongly object to everything about it!" That's fine; if you want to say it isn't hate, you can say it isn't hate. But it is apparent.
Your understanding of the word "everything" is severely lacking. But carry on telling me what I like and dislike.
Naw, thanks, I know very well that we should get our own house in order before we go criticizing others.
Why? This would have some semblance of meaning if I were the Prime Minister of India, or something. If not, you have no right to talk about any other country, ever, unless you first make sure the US is a perfect utopia.
No, what I'm asking is that you suggest actual solutions. "The Constitution is dumb!" is not a solution.
It's step 1 to a solution. I'm happy to discuss specific changes to the constitution, but after we move past the nonsense that criticizing the constitution isn't allowed and only comes from total hatred for your country.
Really? Care to give me links to these conversations? Proposed bills, ballot amendments, party platform documents listing such plans... Whatever evidence that goes beyond "random guy on Twitter spews 200 odd characters" would be nice.
You seem to think gun violence is concentrated in cities. Not terribly shocking that you're uninformed, but in most states, there's no particular correlation between level of urbanization and rates of gun violence.
The blame the cities game only works when you ignore rates and focus on just raw numbers. Which is helpful, I suppose, if you want to muddy the issue.
Well, that's fine I suppose. That fits into "deal", even though I'd describe it more as "cry".
I believe I have a right to cry, if I want to. But thank you for so graciously granting it.
"These people died so you should give up your rights!" Ok.
That's literally a factor in deciding every single right in existence. Your right to everything is contingent on the exercise of that right not taking away the rights of others. In the minds of anyone with sanity, that's the basic tenet of any given society. Deranged lunatics like you aside, not even the Supreme Court majority that decided the Second Amendment grants a personal right to bear arms disagrees that that right can be robustly regulated for reasons of public safety.
In-fucking-deed! And, horrible that it is, better that 19 children should die in the light of day so that all may see the horror and tragedy of the act, than 1000 a day in the concealed light of a surgery room.
Ah, so these kids should be drafted to a campaign to show idiots the horrors of gun violence? I don't believe they consented to that.
Ah yes, the "I have no factual response so I shall laugh and pretend I know better" response. You're going through all the ways to dodge, the longer this conversation continues, I see.
Well, that's more for the "deal" pile, then, I guess.
I'll pretend to understand this bizarre statement.
That's literally what's happening hahahah. There is no law that rules man on this world, the strong will win and the weak will die. And that's why America is dying. Because people like you have made us weak, have made us hate ourselves, while those who murder humanity take advantage and march.
Oh yeah. I'm the reason you hate yourself. Not the pathetic ignorance of facts to continue burying your head in the sand.
Why do you think you're so easy to weaken? Why do you think I should have any ability to "make" you hate yourself? Could it be that your belief in your strength and morality is all an illusion?
Hey, guess what, I do. Abortion is murder, but I don't support banning it, because people must be free to choose their actions. In the same spirit, I would have vehemently disagreed with police arresting this deranged shooter before he purchased his gun, had they somehow had the ability to.
And yet, the banning of abortions didn't get you into transports of rage about the destruction of freedom and the human spirit. Why do you think you're selectively bothered by supposed threats to gun ownership over actual threats to a right to abortion?
If you believe that, act like it and leave the rest of us fools to debate solutions.
I have and continue to do so. What exactly do you want me to see? Evidence you continually ignore showing that gun laws reduce rates of gun deaths? Evidence that a majority of guns used for crimes in states with good gun laws come from neighboring states with easy access to guns?
Or do you have made up numbers for me to see?
"Championing the human spirit" means "lying to people about facts" to you?
What facts? The supreme arbiter of personal identity is the individual, not anyone outside. You're the one imposing your supposed "fact" on everyone.
Man, I don't even have to write half this post.
I suppose. Why did you, then? Might have spared me some more blather to read through.
And, clearly, that's the right move, because you're a lunatic, and yours, and your friends and families if they're the same as you, is precisely the idiocy that's going to allow autocrats to rule this world.
And yet another dodge. Bravo.