to observe how many people's heads are exploding over what they assume might happen.
Per reporting Musk started considering buying Twitter after the Babylon Bee ban (religious satire site similar to the onion but right wing, which got banned after lots of transgender hate.)
At this same time this was happening Musk and his ex girlfriend broke up (again), same ex girlfriend is the mother of 2 of his 8 children (counting the one which died as an infant.) Said ex girlfriend is now dating a transgender woman.
Can I be 100% actually sure of anything, the answer is of course not. But Musk has stated out loud with his own voice that he cares about the Babylon Bee thing.
I resent drama that we are being dragged into that is not even 2 months old by now. we being everyone else not these dozen or so people immediately implicated. This is not the way to run a company, country, world, etc where one man has so much individual wealth. It was stupid when it was Henry the eighth, and now it is more of a farce.