You seem to be more attuned to threats to free speech from the left than free assembly from the right. Also, the left at least doesn't go the legislative route on this. It's the right in America that constantly does that. Most recently with the completely craptacular "Don't say Gay" bill in Florida, or the raft of anti-"CRT" legislation that does nothing except chill speech.
Are you saying that limiting freedoms via acts of the state legislature is somehow more egregious than doing so via control of the media, social media and public discourse? Laws passed by the state can have their constitutionality challenged in the courts. What recourse does one have when hounded from their careers for questioning progressive orthodoxy? And what is the point of trying to quantify whether one is worse than the other? Are we so tribal we can't acknowledge both are bad without having to argue that "your side is worse?"
"Bustin' makes me feel good!"
Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.