After all the data mining and selling, I abandoned that sinking ship years ago.
Besides, I find social media in general (but Facebook specifically) to be bad for my outlook on life. Most people use Facebook and social media to show their lives in the best possible light, and for me at least, it created a certain feeling that I was behind, even if I wasn't. That my life was worse than it was, because everyone else's lives were perfect (which, of course I knew they objectively were not, but I digress). That I needed more and better things in my life just to keep up with everyone else.
Once I left, I knew less about my acquaintances but more about my friends - who I now needed to make an effort to keep up with. Over the years, I've noticed that when I go reactivate my account from time to time (mostly to access old photos) I find that things have gotten even worse, and my decision to abandon the platform feels more right than it did when I originally quit.
But only when I was free of the platform did I truly realize its pitfalls. Hopefully the 24 hours of Facebook jail sets you free, too.
That is why Twitter is wonderful, we see there is no there there, we are all hysterics yelling about …
The Emperor Has No Clothes! And a myriad of other things.