She is not unworkable, in terms of pressure. The bigger/equal hurdle would be Biden himself. I think it's safe to assume that if Biden can be moved to support this, Feinstein will be mopped up in the wave.
And the coming weeks will give any number of reasons for these Dems to re-evaluate their stances. The GoP can always be relied upon to show indecency and outrageous behavior when they have a goal almost at hand.
He is not a thinker, instead he is a consensus person with reading the room. If the median member of the caucasus vehemently wants to do it, and another 40% is ambivalent he will side with those 50% vehemently against the 10% who opposed the idea.
But here is the thing you need to convince the stubborn holdouts. If 1 or 3 senators say HELL NO it is not going to happen for you need to get to the magic number 51.