No actual peace talks. Boo.
I know, right?
It might be a mantle. Maybe the Red Cap is one of those jobs that takes over the occupant. IIRC there's more than one, and the guy Harry met in Cold Days was the main or prime Red Cap. So that position could just be one that gets replaced like the Queens or Knights. But with a faerie instead of a mortal, where the new mantle-bearer never had free will to start with, the overwriting is faster and more complete.
IDK, that bit where we see what it's like for a paranormal entity to have an outstanding debt or favor suggests that even in the face of destruction, they're still going to feel the need to balance the scales, and the svartelves seem to be even more anal about that stuff than typical. I think that phenomenon is what gives mortals and free will such a degree of importance, because they can actually make choices like the one you suggest, while fae and others can't.
My bet is he means pooling their resources. Mac's bar being neutral ground is not the source of his influence or reputation, it is a result. There really ISN'T a such thing as a safe place, but a group holed up at Mac's or St. Mary's or wherever, will be able to cooperate and gain whatever percentage points toward survival they can, rather than getting flattened at random.
It's like the oft-derided Cold War drill of hiding under desks in a classroom. It doesn't protect you from a direct hit, but what DOES? It does make you more likely to to survive on the fringe of a blast, where you aren't close enough for the building to fall over, but if the structural integrity is weakened, or things are knocked off the walls or shelves, you've got something over your head. And it's at least something they can fall back on rather than running around cluelessly, getting in the way or stampeding. A kid face down under a desk is not looking out the window at the blast, or facing a window that might blown in when the shockwave hits.
Mac's isn't going to survive a shell-bomb or a giant Fomor lord stomping the block, but the crowd in there will at least know their fellows have a clue about whatever little bit they can do, and not panicking through sheer ignorance or freezing out of cognitive dissonance.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!