I still have health care through work. I have to be signed up for Medicare Part A - the “free” part, but it is secondary to my work plan. I don’t sign up for Parts B, C and D until after I stop working.
You can see your actions as charitable or honorable, but it was your choice to make those choices. Why do I not get this option? Why can't I buy into Medicare as a public option? Sure I have to pay a fixed sum monthly or yearly but why can't I be given this choice?
Backdrop to this Rhetorical Question, 4 of the 8 different Health Care Bills the Democrats proposed does not increase taxes but are a form of Medicare buy in. Well technically it is not 8 for it is 6 are bills and 2 of them are Think Tank proposals.
The link I just gave has a nice chart that is up to date as of Dec 2018.
But whatever ¯\ (ツ) /¯
None of the bills currently proposed will become law, and we will probably have a half a dozen additional proposals in the next year. It is all virtue / value signaling at this point. Sure some bill may occur in 2020 to 2024 if the Democrats gain the presidency, keep the house, and gain enough Senate Seats but there is no way to predict what the final legislation is going to look like in 2021 to 2024 from our vantage point in 2019.
As The Two Towers movie said from my High School Years. So it Begins.
Or to use an example from your generation Mookie as a German Field Marshal once said. No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.