View original postJust wondering:
View original post1. What was your college major/s?
View original post2. Looking back, would you have chosen a different one?
Nah. It was fun.
View original post3. If you have kids, what major/s would you recommend to him/her?
Depends entirely on what they want to do. If they're interested in medicine, obviously they're going pre-med. Same logic for interests in graduate work. If they're interested in law, anything, really, so long as it cultivates mental discipline. If they're just going to college because that's what people do, I've probably already failed as a parent.

"We feel safe when we read what we recognise, what does not challenge our way of thinking.... a steady acceptance of pre-arranged patterns leads to the inability to question what we are told."
Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel
Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel
College Majors - Questions!
15/12/2018 03:22:38 PM
An old time survey!
17/12/2018 02:50:47 AM